Ultimate Activity Camps At The Royal Wolverhampton School

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About Ultimate Activity Camps At The Royal Wolverhampton School

Name Ultimate Activity Camps At The Royal Wolverhampton School
Address The Royal Wolverhampton School, Penn Road, WOLVERHAMPTON, WV3 0EG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time in club. Relationships between staff, children and their peers are good. Children listen carefully to information given to them by staff about the activities and rules of the games.

They show competitiveness during team games and recognise their achievements and those of others. Children enjoy plenty of time outside being active. They learn to use equipment safely, including go-karts.

Children share their experiences with others and staff are interested to learn about the things they have been doing with their families and at school. Children enjoy a challenge. They work closely to crea...te their own theme parks and prepare a presentation to share their ideas with everyone else.

Children carefully consider where their park will be based, taking account of transport links to the area, costs for tickets and the food and drink available to customers who visit them.While children engage in physical activities, this is balanced with art and craft activities, board games and games, such as musical statues and pass the parcel. They become really excited as they watch their friends take off another layer of paper in the hope that they reveal the prize inside.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff ensure children are interested, engaged and having good fun. Interaction between staff and children is good. Staff involve themselves in the activities with the children.

They ensure everyone is fully informed about the activities available. Staff encourage children to share their ideas about what they would like to do during their time in club.Managers support staff well.

They monitor staff's practice and identify professional development opportunities to enhance staff's skills. Communication between managers and staff is good.Self-evaluation enables managers and staff to review the service provided and make changes to the provision, where it is felt to be beneficial.

Parents are happy with the variety of activities provided and they comment that their children enjoy attending the club.Children's health and well-being are promoted well. They remain hydrated throughout the day because they have access to fresh drinks at all times.

Staff gently remind children to drink where needed, especially when they have been very active. Staff work in partnership with parents to ensure that children's packed lunches are healthy and nutritious. Mealtimes are social occasions and children sit together to eat.

Staff promote good hygiene routines. Children wash their hands before mealtimes, after playing outside and using the bathroom.Behaviour is good.

Staff support children where needed to share and take turns. They praise children and recognise their efforts and achievements. Children wear the stickers given to them for their good behaviour with pride.

They use their manners at all times and show respect and kindness to others.Accidents are dealt with quickly and sensitively. Parents are informed and documentation is shared with them when they collect their child.

Staff are fully aware of any medication that is needed for children and plans are drawn up where specific medication is needed, such as the use of adrenalin auto-injectors. Children's individual needs are well known by staff, who take appropriate steps to ensure they are met each day.Children actively engage in activities that broaden their awareness of the wider world.

They enjoy learning about different countries and cultures. Resources reflect positive images of people from different cultural backgrounds and those with differing levels of ability.Daily discussion takes place with children about the rules of the club, their safety and what is planned for the day.

Children confidently explain the fire evacuation procedure to follow in the event of the fire alarm sounding.Children speak positively about their time in club. They enjoy the variety of activities that are available to them, particularly the swimming and the use of large inflatable equipment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff take effective steps to ensure children play in a safe environment. They complete risk assessments for all areas of the club, both indoors and outside.

Activities are also assessed to ensure they are suitable. Lifeguards supervise pool activities alongside staff. Managers' and staff's knowledge of the various signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm and neglect is secure.

They understand the referral procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child or about a colleague's practice. Security measures are good. Children are not released into the care of unknown adults and access to the club is only via a member of staff.

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