The Royal School, Wolverhampton

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About The Royal School, Wolverhampton

Name The Royal School, Wolverhampton
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Tom Macdonald
Address Penn Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 0EG
Phone Number 01902341230
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-19
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1493
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Senior leaders and governors are ambitious for the school. They have ensured that high standards and the school's distinctive ethos have been maintained throughout a period of rapid expansion since 2016. The curriculum is supplemented by an exceptionally broad range of additional activities and opportunities.

Together, these contribute very strongly to pupils' personal development. Pupils of all ages enthusiastically embrace all the school has to offer them. Staff provide high-quality support for vulnerable pupils, including children looked after and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

These pupils make good a...cademic progress and are well prepared for their next stage of learning. Throughout the school, pupils behave well. They are courteous, polite and well-mannered.

They apply themselves well in lessons and have strong attitudes to learning. Attendance is consistently higher than the national average in both the primary and secondary schools. Teaching is effective throughout the school.

Teachers have high expectations of pupils. Relationships are strong, and teachers use their good subject knowledge well to explain new ideas and concepts. A minority of teaching remains a little weaker.

Here, teachers do not always use information about pupils' abilities, including what pupils already know, as well as they could when planning lessons. Pupils make good progress in all key stages. Recent weaknesses in key stage 2 and the sixth form have been eliminated.

The early years provides children with a good start to school. Strong leadership and effective teaching means that children make good progress in all areas of learning, particularly in early reading and writing. They are well prepared to move to Year 1.

The sixth form prepares students well for life after school. Teaching is strong. Well-planned study programmes ensure that students develop excellent social and employability skills.

Sixth formers provide excellent role models for younger pupils. Members of the governing board possess considerable expertise. They are knowledgeable and fully committed to the school's ethos.

Information about this school

The school opened as a free school in September 2016. Its predecessor was an independent school. Since the school opened as a free school, it has trebled in size from approximately 400 pupils to 1250 pupils.

The school has below-average proportions of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND. The school makes no use of alternative provision. The school has boarding provision for up to 120 pupils.

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