Woodville Kids Club

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About Woodville Kids Club

Name Woodville Kids Club
Address Woodville Infant School, High Street, Woodville, SWADLINCOTE, Derbyshire, DE11 7EA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are enthusiastic and lively on arrival at the club at the end of the school day. They talk about how much they enjoy the activities on offer. Children comment that they particularly like the baking and craft activities.

They say they learn new skills, such as how to spread butter and use different techniques in painting. Children explain how they like celebrating birthdays and other important festivals that they have also learnt about in school, such as Eid. Children are happy and confidently interact with each other and adults.

All staff are effective role models and have high expectations of children. Children a...re encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and demonstrate positive behaviour. Children are polite, helpful and respectful towards others.

For example, they politely ask others for help when items are out of reach or if they need help with a task. Children develop an awareness of the ways they can help to keep themselves and others safe. They talk about the club ethos; 'be kind, be safe' and how the information helps to keep them safe online.

Children pretend to be customers and vets in the role-play area, and take turns using the toy cash registers and carrying out 'surgery' on the pets. Children play cooperatively together. This helps them effectively develop their imaginative and creative skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children demonstrate that they are comfortable in their surroundings and happily move around. They choose freely from the selection of activities on offer. For example, children make a 'dinosaur land' using cereals and enjoy the crunching sound as they 'stomp' the dinosaurs in the cereal.

Some children play with electronic games. Other children relax, read, draw pictures or chat with their friends. This shows children are well engaged in their play and enjoy coming to the club.

Staff take opportunities to enhance children's knowledge. For example, during an activity where children make pizzas, staff talk to them about the importance of using different-coloured chopping boards for food types, such as vegetables and meat. However, sometimes staff over-direct activities and do not always allow the children to work out for themselves what they need to do next.

Snack time has a real friendly atmosphere as children of all ages mix together. They laugh and joke with each other and share stories, many beginning with, 'Do you remember when?' Children reminisce about experiences that they have been a part of and share their ideas for future events. Staff ensure that children have access to fresh drinking water at all times and are provided with healthy and nutritious meals on a daily basis.

Staff provide children with good opportunities to be physically active. This includes using the outdoor provision at the school. Children have opportunities to climb the cargo nets in the playground, play football and shoot goals into hoops.

As it gets dark, children enjoy using torches outside as they move their arms to make giant circles of light.The manager and staff have a close partnership with the school and know children well. This helps them to complement children's school learning experiences at the club.

Staff are consistent with the school in their approach to behaviour management. Staff update parents about any messages from school during daily discussions and school-home link books. Parents say they are confident that children are nurtured and kept safe at the club.

The experienced nursery group manager has ensured that she and her well-qualified staff have completed mandatory training. They hold current paediatric first-aid certificates and have completed recent training to refresh their knowledge of safeguarding issues. She meets regularly with staff, supports their well-being and establishes any training and development requirements.

Staff reflect and focus on how to further enhance the provision for the youngest children who attend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of child protection procedures.

All staff complete relevant safeguarding training. They can identify the possible signs and symptoms of abuse. They know how to report any concerns they may have about a child, including exposure to extreme views and behaviour.

Managers are clear about the procedure to follow in the event of an allegation made against staff. Thorough recruitment and vetting procedures are implemented to ensure that staff are suitable for their role and to work with children. Risk assessments are effective and staff make daily and ongoing checks to ensure that children can play safely.

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