YMCA Before And After School Club @ Handsworth Primary

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About YMCA Before And After School Club @ Handsworth Primary

Name YMCA Before And After School Club @ Handsworth Primary
Address 32 Handsworth Avenue, London, E4 9PJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WalthamForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are greeted warmly by staff as they arrive.

They settle quickly into activities and socialise with their friends. Children have adjusted well to changes made due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. They understand the importance of how and where they play so that they can keep themselves safe.

For example, children remind each other to sit with one chair between each of them.Children behave well and interact positively with one another. They confidently share their opinions with staff and their friends.

Staff praise children for their efforts, achievements, and positive behaviour. There are consistent... boundaries and high expectations for children's behaviour.Staff effectively promote children's safety and physical well-being and give them clear messages about the importance of keeping themselves safe and healthy.

Children enthusiastically enjoy large team games and quieter activities where older children encourage younger children to take part. For example, older children explain the 'corner game' for newer children, by volunteering to act out the rules.Leaders and managers value the importance of knowing each child as an individual.

They communicate well with the parents and school to support each child to gain as much as possible from the group.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff organise a welcoming environment, which is relaxed and where children are free to choose from the activities available. This approach complements the children's day at school and children enjoy their time at the club.

Staff plan a good range of activities around a variety of topics, such as the seasons, festivals and events that capture children's interests. For example, children learn about the importance of challenging discriminatory behaviours and the importance of valuing one another.Leaders, the manager and staff work well together and share the same vision.

They have successfully addressed the actions raised at their last inspection. They have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and communicate well to ensure each child is supported and included.The manager regularly updates staff's understanding of safeguarding and child protection issues.

Recruitment and selection is robust to ensure all staff are suitable to fulfil their roles. Children benefit from staff's ongoing professional development opportunities.Staff are well qualified and experienced and know how children play and develop.

They provide a stimulating environment that supports children's interests. For example, children's creative work is proudly displayed around the room, which creates a real sense of ownership of the space for the children that attend.Staff make sure children are safe and effectively assess and minimise any risks indoors and outside.

They encourage children to understand how to keep themselves safe and help them to identify potential risks for themselves. For example, children routinely use hand sanitiser and request tissues when they need to blow their nose.Successful partnerships with parents allow staff to effectively meet children's needs.

Parents feel well informed about what is planned at the setting and how they can support their child. Leaders and managers encourage children and parents to share their views, for instance through questionnaires and discussion. This supports their decision making about how they can improve the setting.

Staff are caring and approachable. They encourage children to develop essential social skills and this is reflected in children's positive and respectful behaviour. Children enjoy linking up with one another during activities, sharing ideas and playing collaboratively.

They show good independence.Staff talk to children about keeping healthy and remind them about the importance of eating a healthy diet. Children make healthy choices as they select their toppings for their homemade pizza and regularly stop to drink water as they play.

Children are sometimes left waiting too long, for example when waiting to complete their pizzas, and become distracted.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good understanding of safeguarding.

They are able to identify signs and symptoms of abuse, including wider safeguarding concerns such as the 'Prevent' duty. The environment is safe and secure as staff complete a daily risk assessment before children arrive. Leaders and manager ensure that staff are suitable and safe to work with children before recruitment.

There are effective systems in place to supervise children and enable them to arrive and leave safely. For example, parents alert staff they are waiting outside. Staff then take children to their parents, to hand over safely.

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