Handsworth Primary School

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About Handsworth Primary School

Name Handsworth Primary School
Website http://www.handsworthprimary.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Claire Nairne
Address Handsworth Avenue, Highams Park, London, E4 9PJ
Phone Number 02085275991
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 445
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school and are proud members of the school community. Inclusion has a high priority. Pupils feel welcome, valued and confident to be themselves.

Relationships are strong between pupils and adults. This supports all aspects of the school's work.

Pupils are safe.

They have confidence in the school's systems to support them. Pupils know that staff will listen, respect their views and feelings, and that they will help find a resolution to any concerns.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well because of leaders' high expectations of them.

The four 'Cs' (consideration, ...cooperation, courtesy and care) underpin the school's ethos. Pupils show care for each other, including for those who have different views and beliefs.

Classrooms are calm and it is very rare for learning to be disrupted.

Staff are skilled in addressing and supporting the behaviour of pupils with additional needs. They do this very effectively, through their knowledge of, and positive relationships with, individual pupils. Pupils say that bullying rarely happens.

Nonetheless, they trust staff to address it quickly and effectively should it occur.

Pupils benefit from, and enjoy, a wide range of leadership opportunities and visits which enhance and enrich the curriculum. Parents and carers have confidence in leaders and staff.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have ensured that pupils experience a broad and well-sequenced curriculum which matches the ambition of the national curriculum. The school's vision that 'we believe all children can succeed' is evident in classrooms and around the school. Starting in the early years, pupils are eager to learn.

They engage willingly in learning and, from the early years, demonstrate independence, curiosity and confidence. Their positive attributes support pupils' learning throughout the curriculum.

Reading has a high priority.

Children get off to a good start learning phonics in the early years. Teaching is precise and enables pupils to consolidate what they already know and to learn new sounds quickly. The books children read are well matched to the sounds they have been taught.

Teachers check pupils' progress carefully so that support can be provided should a pupil fall behind. This support is very effective in helping them to catch up. It is tailored to individuals' needs.

Staff are tenacious in ensuring pupils succeed. Most pupils become fluent readers by the end of Year 1. Support for parents, through attendance at workshops or the use of online resources, is effective in making sure that the support pupils receive at home matches the approaches used in school.

Leaders have recently refined the curriculum in a few subjects. This was because leaders wanted to ensure that pupils build skills and knowledge sequentially over time. They also wanted to make sure that diversity is reflected throughout the curriculum.

Staff are well trained and have the subject knowledge they need to deliver the curriculum. They use assessment well to establish what pupils know and can do. They respond promptly to their findings to support pupils' progress through the curriculum.

From the early years, activities are chosen to engage pupils' interest and to develop independence. Activities in the early years are purposeful, for example with resources being selected carefully to support the learning of specific aspects of the curriculum. This ensures that children are well prepared for Year 1.

Leaders are highly ambitious for pupils with SEND. They identify pupils in need of additional help promptly and set out clear plans for their support. Lessons are skilfully adapted to allow all pupils to access the intended learning.

This may be through the provision of different resources or through individual or small group support.

Pupils' social development is strong. Pupils told inspectors they are honoured to gain leadership positions, for example as members of the school council, well-being ambassadors or digital leaders.

Their election to these roles helps them to learn about the importance of democracy. Older pupils explained the difference between equity and equality, emphasising the importance of individuals receiving what 'they' need rather than everyone being treated the same.

Teachers value the measures leaders take to reduce their workload and to consider their well-being.

They are supportive of leaders' focus on the importance of impact, rather than activity.

Staff are grateful for the opportunities they have to develop their expertise both within and beyond the school. Learning from experts in their field keeps teachers and leaders up to date with current educational thinking.

Governors achieve a good balance of support and challenge in holding leaders to account. Through self-review and planning they ensure that the expertise of those on the board contributes to the high quality of governance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a robust culture of safeguarding. They are aware of the prevailing safeguarding concerns locally. They provide regular updates for staff to maintain the high prolife of safeguarding.

Leaders' work is thorough and detailed.Leaders have a thorough understanding of the purpose and content of recruitment checks. Leaders keep clear records of concerns and track cases carefully.

They make referrals to external agencies as necessary and respond quickly to concerns.

The curriculum provides numerous opportunities to support pupils' understanding of safeguarding. For example, pupils in Year 6 learn practical approaches for travelling safely on public transport in preparation for transition to secondary school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, pupils have not secured some key knowledge over time. Leaders have made recent improvements to these curriculum areas. Leaders should ensure that recent changes are embedded through staff training and support so that pupils secure a deep understanding in these subjects.

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