Airedale Infant Academy

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About Airedale Infant Academy

Name Airedale Infant Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kirsten Mckechnie
Address Poplar Avenue, Castleford, WF10 3QJ
Phone Number 01977519281
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 245
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Airedale Infant School is a bright and happy place to learn. Pupils feel safe and love their school. They say they wouldn't change anything about it.

Parents and carers told us that staff take very good care of pupils. Pupils behave well in lessons and at breaktimes. Pupils have no concerns about bullying in this school.

If it were to happen, they know adults would deal with it quickly.

The new headteacher has raised expectations since the last inspection. Pupils are doing better in English and mathematics.

Leaders make sure that pupils study a wide range of subjects. This helps them learn about the world they are growing up in.

Pupils enjoy... learning because teachers plan interesting lessons.

Trips, visitors and exciting activities bring learning to life. Pupils remember their prior learning and make links between subjects. Pupils could say what they had learned about recycling in geography.

They explained the knowledge that they had used to make a 'recycling monster' in design technology.

Pupils learn important lessons through assemblies and the wider curriculum. For example, they learn about road safety and online safety.

Pupils care about the environment and want to help others to do the same.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, staff and governors are ambitious for all pupils at this school. They want to make sure that their pupils have the best possible education.

The headteacher has provided expert leadership since taking up her post. This has ensured that all aspects of the school have improved since the last inspection.The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects.

Teachers plan lessons that are carefully sequenced. This helps children to make connections with what they already know. For example, in a history lesson about the Great Fire of London, pupils remembered what they had learned in science and geography.

This helped them to understand how the fire spread. Occasionally, teachers do not follow curriculum plans closely enough. This means that pupils do not cover topics in great enough depth.

Leaders have plans in place to help teachers to better identify gaps in what pupils know and can do in each of the foundation subjects. This will support further improvement of the curriculum.

Reading is a high priority.

Books are everywhere in school. Pupils love to settle down with a book in one of the inviting reading areas. They enjoy listening to the carefully chosen books that adults read to them every day.

Children start learning to read from the beginning of the Reception class. Adults check that children are keeping up. This makes sure that children quickly learn letters and the sounds they represent.

Reading books match the letters and sounds that children have already learned. This helps them to become confident readers. Parents and carers appreciate the many workshops and resources that the school provides.

These help parents to support their children to read at home.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well. They get the support they need to make sure they can learn as well as their peers.

Staff are well trained to meet the needs of all pupils.

In early years, staff take every opportunity to help children learn new words. Children explore, play and learn in the stimulating areas inside and outside.

The wide range of interesting resources allow children to follow their interests. In the Reception class, the mathematics curriculum does not consistently build on what children can do. Children need more opportunities to become confident with numbers.

Pupils behave well in lessons and at breaktimes. They listen to adults and follow instructions. Staff work hard with families to make sure that pupils attend school regularly.

Attendance has improved recently, but is still below where it needs to be.

Pupils have many opportunities to learn about the cultures and beliefs of other people. For example, they particularly enjoy learning about the lives of pupils in their partner school in Ghana.

Pupils enjoy being active and responsible members of the wider community. They take part in many fund-raising activities, for example the Macmillan coffee morning and the 'yellow day' for mental health. Pupils are very proud of their adopted panda.

Trust leaders and governors provide the right challenge and support for school leaders. This makes sure that the school is continuing to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The headteacher makes sure that everybody knows how to keep children safe. Staff are all well trained. They know that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Leaders take appropriate and swift action when there are any concerns about children's safety. Thoughtful resources, such as 'worry monsters', give children the confidence to ask for help if they need it. Parents appreciate the support they have from the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Attendance has improved, but remains below the national average. Leaders must ensure that the attendance of all pupils, particularly those who are vulnerable and children who have just started school in early years, increases so that it is in line with the national average. .

Leaders have ensured that curriculum plans carefully set out the sequence of knowledge that pupils should learn. At times, teachers do not follow the plans closely enough. Leaders should ensure that teaching consistently matches the curriculum plans for each year group so that pupils are able to study appropriate content in greater depth and consolidate their learning before moving on.

. In subjects other than English and mathematics, there is more to do to address historical gaps in pupils' knowledge and skills. Leaders should continue the work they have planned to tackle this issue.

. In early years, some children lack a consistently secure knowledge of early number skills. Teachers should make sure that children have sufficient opportunities to revisit, practise and consolidate learning so that they are fully confident in manipulating smaller numbers before moving on to working with larger numbers.

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