Ark Priory Primary Academy

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About Ark Priory Primary Academy

Name Ark Priory Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Miss Daniela Grasso
Address Acton Lane, London, W3 8NR
Phone Number 02031100717
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 461
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. They set high standards for themselves and others.

As a result they have achieved a great deal since the school opened in September 2013. Children leave Reception with skills which are well above those typically found and having made outstanding progress across the early years. By the end of Year 1, the phonic (letters and the sounds they represent) skills of pupils are exceptional.

Half of these pupils have a reading age which is two years above their chronological age. Pupils' attainment is extremely high. Half of the pupils in Year 1 are working at a level in reading, writing and m...athematics which is a year ahead of that expected of them now.

The quality of teaching is outstanding. Teachers, additional adults and pupils work extremely well together to ensure that pupils reach high standards and their skills develop exceptionally well. Good quality teaching in lessons is complemented by additional finely matched work outside of lessons.

However, the most able pupils and those with special educational needs are not all making rapid progress yet. Pupils feel very safe at the school and know how to keep safe. They play and work extremely well together.

Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to learning. They embody the values of the school in lessons to 'explore, endeavour, excel', and their motto to have 'courage to fly'. Governors are actively involved in school life.

They know the school well and provide good support and challenge to school leaders to make even more improvements. The ARK School multi-academy Trust provides strong and highly effective support to the school. It ensures, for example, that assessment is accurate and that staff are well trained.

Middle leaders are very well supported and developed, taking an active part in planning subjects and checks on learning. There is more work to be done to develop middle leaders even more as the school grows. Senior leaders carry out regular and highly effective checks on teaching.

These have ensured that weaknesses have been addressed and achievement has strengthened. Provision in Nursery has improved, so that it is now good, and provision across the early years is now outstanding. In 2014, the vast majority of children achieved a good level of development at the end of Reception.

This was well above average. In the current year they are attaining at even higher levels. Pupils have impressive opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.

These, alongside assemblies, lessons and the school values, ensure that pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is very well promoted.

Information about this school

ARK Priory Primary Academy opened in September 2013 as a new start school. It is part of the ARK Schools multi-academy Trust.

There are currently children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1, but the school will eventually cater for pupils up to Year 6. Children attend Nursery either in the morning or the afternoon. They attend Reception classes on a full- time basis.

The school runs an extended day, with lessons until 4.00pm. About half of the pupils are from White British heritages, with the other half coming from a range of other backgrounds.

There is an above average proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language, although only a small proportion is at early stage of learning English. The proportion of pupils supported through the pupil premium (additional funding for pupils eligible for free school meals or in the care of the local authority) in the school is below average. The proportion of pupils with disabilities or who have special educational needs is also below average.

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