Burlington Infant School

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About Burlington Infant School

Name Burlington Infant School
Website http://www.burlingtoninfants.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs C McClarron
Address Marton Road, Bridlington, YO16 7AQ
Phone Number 01262673858
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 198
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Burlington Infant School know they belong to the Burlington family. The school's family tree display is prominent.

Pupils hang photos of their own family alongside leaves that represent their class as a family.Pupils show motivation to learn. There are strong relationships between pupils and staff.

Pupils want to please and impress the adults they work with.Pupils behave well. They know the school's golden rules.

They know it is important to follow them to ensure that school is a kind and happy place. Leaders support some pupils who find managing their behaviour difficult well. Some pupils have plans that help adults know how to de-escalate their ch...allenging behaviour.

Pupils know what bullying is and would tell an adult if it happens.Leaders develop pupils' character through the five 'R's. They display these in classrooms and reference them in assemblies.

Pupils know that the five 'R's, which include 'resilient tortoise' and 'ready meerkat', help them to be good learners.Leaders ensure that pupils have the chance to feel important by being the helper of the day.There is strong pastoral support for pupils.

The skilled emotional literacy support assistants are always available for pupils to talk to.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have three principles that underpin the curriculum: the head, the heart and the mind. The head represents the breadth of learning, the heart represents the balance of learning, and the mind represents the depth of learning pupils meet.

These shape the rich and varied learning experiences that pupils encounter. Leaders ensure that pupils have access to a broad and ambitious curriculum. However, the new leadership team recognises that some aspects of the wider curriculum need refinement.

For example, in science, leaders have sequenced the essential knowledge to the skills they want pupils to learn. In some subjects, this process is in its infancy.

Leaders recognise that the system for checking what pupils remember in the wider curriculum is in development.

While pupils can remember important facts about their current learning, they struggle to recall prior knowledge. Leaders need to be clear about what knowledge they want to check that pupils retain.

Leaders have raised the profile of reading with families through initiatives such as 'reading bingo' and the 'bedtime bear'.

The 'bedtime bear' goes home weekly with pupils to listen to stories shared in their home. There is a dedicated story time every day for pupils. In Year 1, pupils vote for the book they want to hear.

Pupils use their phonic knowledge to decode unfamiliar words. They are supported effectively by the adults, who remind them of strategies such as finding 'special friends' in words.Pupils who are not on track with learning and applying their phonic knowledge have extra lessons.

Pupils in Year 2 in 2022 experienced disruption to their learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The quality of the curriculum is not reflected in the outcomes they achieved in 2022.

Leaders consider children's low starting points when they enter Reception.

They recognise that poor communication and language skills are a barrier to learning for some children. As a result, leaders prioritise vocabulary development. Teachers use questioning well within lessons to determine children's understanding.

Adults model appropriate responses, and children echo these back. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. The school engages with outside agencies to support pupils with SEND.

For example, speech and language professionals offer much valued guidance and support.

Staff teach pupils about the importance of having good mental health. Teachers include mindfulness activities in the early years as 'brain breaks' from focused activities.

In other year groups, pupils can access yoga. Adults ensure pupils have the right vocabulary to be able to describe how they feel.

There is a whole-school approach to teaching pupils about healthy relationships.

Pupils learn how to resolve conflicts after falling out and how to manage the consequences. Staff ensure that pupils know how to stay safe online. Pupils know not to share passwords or personal information.

Leaders supplement pupils' understanding of online safety with a range of activities. These include those linked to national events, such as Safer Internet Day. Pupils develop an understanding of the world of work.

They demonstrate aspirations to be professionals such as scientists or teachers.

Governors are knowledgeable about the school and make regular visits for assurance purposes. There are link governor roles in place to challenge and support subject leaders.

This ensures that at full governing body meetings all governors understand the strengths and next steps for each subject.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have annual safeguarding training to ensure that they understand how to keep pupils safe.

Leaders' mantra is 'It could happen here'. This means staff are vigilant to the safeguarding risks faced by pupils. Adults recognise that pupils with SEND have extra vulnerabilities.

For example, if a pupil is non-verbal, adults will look for other signs of distress.

Leaders have identified the cost of living crisis as a challenge in their school. To address this, leaders signpost families to the local services, such as the children's centre, for help with budgeting and essential items.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects in the wider curriculum, leaders have not identified the essential knowledge they want pupils to remember. This means that pupils are not always gaining the breadth and depth of knowledge that will support them in the next phase of learning. Leaders should ensure that the sequences of learning are clear and build towards the clearly defined end points.

• Leaders have not established an effective system to check on pupils' knowledge across the wider curriculum. This means they do not know what information pupils can remember. Leaders should review the procedures to ensure the system informs the curriculum.

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