Burlington Junior School

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About Burlington Junior School

Name Burlington Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs A Beckett
Address Marton Road, Bridlington, YO16 7AQ
Phone Number 01262674487
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 308
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders create a positive environment where pupils flourish.

Pupils are happy to attend school. Parents say their children are 'well cared for, feel safe and can be themselves'.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

They identify pupils who need extra support in order to manage their behaviour. Support is carefully planned to meet their needs. As a result, pupils behave well around school and during lessons.

If bullying occurs, pupils know who to ask for help and that staff will deal with it.

Leaders continue to develop a broad and balanced curriculum that raises pupils' aspirations. They are keen to 'sow the seeds of interest...' regarding careers.

For example, leaders plan aspects of the science curriculum in order to promote engineering. Leaders develop pupils' experiences beyond the community, including annual visits to London. Parents appreciate these opportunities.

One said, 'My daughter was thrilled that trips are going ahead. She has missed spending time with her friends doing fun things and learning outside of school.'

Leaders provide a range of opportunities to develop pupils' interests.

Pupils speak enthusiastically about the range of after-school activities on offer, with one pupil, expressing the views of many, saying, 'There is something for everyone.' Clubs range from golfing, cheerleading, football and rugby to mindfulness, yoga and knitting.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are passionate about ensuring that all pupils receive the education they deserve.

They have worked hard to improve the education on offer. They are clear about the school's strengths and the areas that they need to develop. They strive to develop a curriculum that engages and inspires pupils.

In English and mathematics, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), remember what they have learned over time.

Leaders plan a reading curriculum that instils a love of reading. They achieve this through daily story-time sessions and 'reading ambassadors' who promote reading with their peers.

Parents comment that their children 'really enjoy reading for pleasure'.Daily phonics lessons and extra support in the afternoon take place for pupils who are at the early stages of reading. Furthermore, leaders invite pupils to attend after-school sessions to help them catch up quickly.

Pupils take home books that match their phonics ability. This helps them to become confident and fluent readers.

In other subjects, such as geography and history, leaders are reviewing and refining their plans.

However, some pupils, particularly those with SEND, struggle to engage in some lessons because it is not clear what information teachers want pupils to learn and in what order. Pupils with SEND do not consistently receive support at the right time to help them. Leaders do not always check that support identified in plans is taking place.

As a result, pupils are not as successful in these subjects.Pupils learn about fundamental British values and equality through personal, social and health education (PSHE) lessons and assemblies. They can describe the difference between a democracy and a dictator.

PSHE lessons support pupils to lead healthy and active lives. Leaders encourage good mental health through nurture sessions and a 'nature' programme. As a result, pupils have a good knowledge of how to keep physically and mentally healthy.

Behaviour and attendance continue to improve throughout school. The school has put in place a range of strategies and interventions to support pupils with their emo-tional health and well-being and behaviour. Pupils can explain the behaviour policy and the rewards and consequences.

They understand that some pupils struggle with their behaviour and that they are supported to manage this.

Staff, including those at the early stages of their careers, say they feel supported to fulfil their roles. They receive training around safeguarding, curriculum development and managing behaviour.

Subject leaders are invited to share curriculum plans with governors. Governors are beginning to understand how leaders are developing their subject. They ask ques-tions to gain further understanding.

However, challenge about the effect of the cur-riculum is limited.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive appropriate training and support.

Governors check safeguarding arrangements are in place. Staff know how to identify pupils who are at risk of harm and neglect and know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns. Leaders and staff plan a PSHE programme that considers local risks such as water and rail safety and how to stay safe online.

As a result, pupils can explain how they would keep themselves safe in a range of situations.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not identified and sequenced the precise knowledge they want pupils to know and remember in subjects such as geography and history. As a result, some pupils are not as confident in these subjects.

Leaders need to identify and order the knowledge they want pupils to remember so that pupils become successful in all areas of the curriculum. ? Pupils with SEND do not receive support at the right time to help them learn in subjects other than science and reading. Leaders need to check that support is timely and accurate to help pupils with SEND gain confidence and know and remember more.

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