Capella House School

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About Capella House School

Name Capella House School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Dominic Sunderland
Address Egerton Road, Twickenham, TW2 7SL
Phone Number 02031469887
Phase Academy (special)
Type Free schools special
Age Range 4-19
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 67
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is named after Capella, the brightest star. Pupils becoming 'bright stars' is embodied in the school ethos of 'Hear our voices, see us shine'.

This is realised. Pupils are confident to speak up and speak out. They recognise things that they can do now that they could not do when they were younger; they are confident about their futures.

They flourish here because relationships are highly positive, and effective, at supporting them to reach their full potential.

Pupils are happy and kept safe. This is because there are always adults around who will help them when they need it.

Pupils appreciate this help to build their social skills and fri...endships. Staff attitudes to behaviour are highly respectful. As a result, the level of trust built between staff and pupils helps to ensure behaviour is exceptional.

Pupils achieve well here. There is a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils learn well and develop their knowledge and understanding effectively across most subjects.

Typically, the curriculum prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education and future lives.

Pupils are keen to take on the additional responsibilities available to them, for example as school councillors. They are consulted about school decisions and know adults will listen to them.

For example, older pupils have identified and suggested additional clubs based on their interests.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have prioritised reading. In the primary phase, the teaching of phonics starts as soon as pupils have settled into school.

Although all staff have been trained to implement the school's new phonics programme, further training is required to fully embed the early reading curriculum. Books used to teach reading are typically well matched to the sounds that pupils know, helping them to read with growing accuracy and confidence. Regular assessments identify any misconceptions in pupils' knowledge and well-targeted support is provided to address these gaps, so pupils keep up.

In the secondary phase, those pupils at the earlier stages of learning to read continue to be well supported through regular reading practice and language interventions.

Pupils follow an ambitious curriculum. Leaders have identified the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to know in each subject, from Reception through to Year 11.

Careful thought has been given to how the curriculum is sequenced and presented, to help pupils learn and remember more over time. For example, in art, younger pupils practise creating different types of line. This enables older pupils to represent water with accuracy when painting.

Similarly, in mathematics, younger pupils practise making totals using different numbers. This important foundation knowledge

supports older pupils to complete more-complex calculations involving percentages with accuracy.

Leaders evaluate the curriculum and make necessary adaptations.

Where aspects of the curriculum have undergone recent change, pupils' learning sometimes needs to be more securely embedded so that they deepen their knowledge and understanding.

The support for pupils' behaviour is excellent. Leaders work closely with specialists, including speech and language therapists and occupational therapists, to secure advice and guidance.

The information provided and targets from education, health and care plans inform pupils' individualised programmes of integrated therapies. Information is clearly communicated with staff. This ensures that pupils are very well supported to access the planned curriculum.

Individualised behaviour plans equip staff to manage any dysregulation. Some pupils need support to refocus but settle quickly because staff use agreed strategies consistently. As a result, classrooms are calm and conducive to learning.

Attendance is monitored rigorously. Any patterns are identified, and families are supported to ensure all pupils attend school each day.

Pupils' wider personal development is exceptional.

Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, including relationships and sex education, is carefully designed. For example, pupils learn about important values such as equality, liberty, tolerance and respect.

Pupils are well supported to understand the importance of healthy and safe relationships, including complex issues about consent and gender.

The school has a well-structured careers programme, including impartial information about different professions and courses. Pupils are helped to make informed choices about their next stage of education, employment or training.

There are several staff who are either new to the school, leading aspects of the curriculum or members of the senior leadership team. A well-considered plan is in place to ensure these staff are supported in their new roles to maintain oversight of the curriculum and its impact. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the support they receive to manage their workload and well-being.

For example, they value the weekly 'appreciation board' which recognises and celebrates their work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Aspects of the curriculum in different subjects, including early reading, continue to evolve.

Where this is the case, learning sometimes needs to be more securely embedded so that pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding. The school should continue its work to develop subject leaders. This will help to ensure that

oversight of curriculum adaptations is checked, and appropriate support and training are provided for staff where needed.

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