The Richmond upon Thames School

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About The Richmond upon Thames School

Name The Richmond upon Thames School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Kelly Dooley
Address Egerton Road, Twickenham, TW2 7SL
Phone Number 02088912985
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 741
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

I am kind and happy' is one of the school's six core values included in its 'haka', and the pupils embody this. Every pupil participates in extra activities beyond the classroom, as part of the school's extended day programme. Pupils enjoy a wide range of activities, from sport to the annual school production.

Reading is a priority in this school. Leaders have given dedicated time for pupils to read with teachers and develop a lifelong love of reading. Teachers are role models and they all read with pupils.

It is very clear that leaders have high expectations for all pupils in the school. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) take part in e...verything the school offers and access the full range of subjects.

Pupils enjoy their learning and they behave well in and out of their lessons.

Pupils particularly enjoyed practical science lessons and their games and physical education (PE) lessons. Pupils said that they feel safe in the school, and that bullying rarely occurs. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and they know how to report any concerns.

They know that the staff response will be quick and effective.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear vision of providing high-quality education to all pupils in the school. All pupils study a broad range of subjects throughout Years 7 to 9.

Furthermore, all pupils take part in enrichment activities twice a week, during the extended school day. Leaders are ambitious about what pupils should learn. They have, in most subjects, planned teaching in a way that ensures that pupils know and remember more.

In English and music, leaders' plans are not as well thought out, but leaders know what to do to improve this.

All lessons are taught the 'RTS Way'. Pupils complete quizzes on previous learning before starting a new topic.

They can explain how this helps them to understand what they will learn next. Pupils' work was well presented and of good quality. Leaders understand the need for pupils to review their own work and to correct any mistakes they have made.

This enables the pupils to learn better. This system is in place across the whole school and is called 'dedicated improvement and reflection time'.

Most of the time, pupils behave well.

The dining hall and playground are busy, but pupils are calm and respectful to each other and staff. Pupils have a good attitude to learning and work hard in their lessons. Some low-level disruption occurred in a small number of lessons.

This was more evident when the lessons were less well sequenced, or if the teacher was new to the class.

Leaders want pupils to achieve excellence through endeavour both in lessons and during their enrichment activities. Pupils have many opportunities to try different activities, such as circus skills, street dance and 'Masterchef'.

Pupils are also very keen to play in many of the sporting activities. Through lessons, assemblies, reading and leadership roles, pupils learn about their own and others' cultures and beliefs. This results in a happy school community and one which also contributes to its local community via charity events.

This is an inclusive school, and leaders have the same high ambition for all pupils in the school, including those with SEND. Pupils with SEND access the same learning as all other pupils. Teachers plan lessons to meet the needs of all pupils in the class.

Teachers receive weekly 'top tips' from leaders to meet the needs of the pupils in their classes.

This is a school for the local community, and leaders seek the views of parents and carers on a regular basis. Leaders also seek the views of pupils through the school council and online surveys.

Following one of these surveys, leaders recruited a boxing instructor to deliver one of the enrichment activities. Leaders support staff well. Staff are appreciative of the quality and amount of training they receive, for example through the morning 'bitesize Wednesdays' and the weekly after-school staff training sessions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have clear systems to ensure the safety of pupils in the school. All staff receive safeguarding training and they are clear about their responsibilities for keeping children safe.

They are aware of the particular risks in their local area. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe physically and online.

Leaders are quick to identify any pupils who may need support.

Staff know how to report concerns, and records are meticulously and securely kept.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The planning and sequencing of lessons in English and music are not as well developed as in the rest of the curriculum. This means that pupils do not learn as much as they do in other subjects.

There is a new curriculum leader in music and a new curriculum leader for English has been appointed. Leaders must ensure that the curriculums in these two subject areas are as well planned and sequenced as in the other subjects. .

Low-level disruption disturbed learning in a small number of lessons. This results in pupils being distracted from the planned activity. Leaders must ensure that all programmes of study are planned and sequenced to engage pupils, and that staff receive appropriate support to reduce low-level disruption.

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