Chalgrove Primary School

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About Chalgrove Primary School

Name Chalgrove Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jennifer Gaffney
Address Chalgrove Gardens, Finchley, London, N3 3PL
Phone Number 02083491798
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 218
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this school, where they are happy and safe. Pupils enjoy plentiful opportunities to learn and develop in a welcoming, inclusive environment surrounded by their friends and adults they trust.

Leaders have high expectations.

They are ambitious to provide pupils with a wealth of experiences to deepen their learning in all subjects. Working with visiting scientists and outings to museums, galleries and historical locations inspire pupils' interests. Staff make excellent use of the school's outdoor area.

Pupils created works of art using natural materials, inspired by their knowledge of famous artists and listened to stories read to them outside.<>
Pupils develop strong reading skills and a love of stories and books. Children in the early years enthused about finding out the identity of the visiting 'secret reader' and what story the secret reader would read to them.

Pupils are highly considerate and respectful of each other's differences and needs. Pupils saying unkind words, or any sort of bullying, hardly ever happen. Staff are very quick to respond and communicate closely with families to resolve any difficulties.

Leaders help pupils to look after their mental health and well-being and boost their self-esteem and confidence.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders think carefully about the order in which pupils develop knowledge and understanding across the wide range of subjects studied at the school. Right from the start in the Reception year, children begin to learn essential facts and skills that they strengthen and build on from one year to the next.

Leaders make sure that the curriculum content closely follows the requirements of the national curriculum. They also listen to the views of pupils, parents and carers to make the curriculum content reflect the diversity of backgrounds represented in the school.

Leaders ensure that there are well-established routines for pupils to revisit and practise prior learning before moving on to more challenging content.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They receive training and guidance in any areas where they feel less confident. Teachers give clear explanations, clarify any misunderstanding and provide useful tips to help pupils remember key facts.

Teachers know and follow leaders' high expectations to regularly check pupils' learning across all subjects. Leaders use assessment to identify whether there are areas of any subject that individual pupils or groups have not quite grasped. Teachers adjust their planning to make sure that all pupils receive the support they need to catch up with others.

Leaders are as ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities as they are for all pupils. Staff are alert to identify where a pupil may have specific barriers to learning. Leaders draw on staff expertise, engage with outside agencies and work closely with parents to provide interventions tailored to pupils' needs to enable them to keep up and achieve well.

Pupils who attend the autism resource provision receive individualised and specialist support. All pupils are very well prepared for the next stages in their education.

Leaders prioritise teaching children to read and model strong practice.

Teachers and teaching assistants ensure that pupils use letter sounds accurately and rapidly develop fluency. Pupils read books that enable them to practise the sounds they have learned. From the earliest stages, there is a focus on developing children's use and understanding of technical vocabulary.

Leaders have given much thought to the choice of, and preparation for, a new phonics scheme so there will be a smooth transition and continuation of strong practice when this is launched in the autumn term.

Pupils are settled and attentive in class, often totally absorbed in their learning. They interact positively with each other and their teachers.

Leaders are highly aware should any pupil struggle to control their behaviour and ensure that the right support is in place to help them improve.

The whole-school personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and relationships and sex education programmes provide many opportunities to teach pupils about healthy lifestyles and to support their mental health and well-being. Trained staff and visiting speakers introduce pupils to ways of dealing with anxiety and how to recognise and support someone who might feel lonely.

Leaders have rapidly restored a varied programme of special events to enrich pupils' learning, broaden their experiences and introduce them to inspirational role models.

Leaders, including governors, seek and respond to feedback from pupils, staff and parents. They are considerate of staff workload and take steps to support staff well-being, including policy changes and organising events to promote healthy lifestyles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide training and guidance so that all staff are aware of current safeguarding requirements. Leaders oversee clear, well-organised systems so that any concerns are recorded and followed up responsibly and swiftly.

Leaders work with outside organisations, including the local authority and national charities, to provide specialist safeguarding training and support for families at times of need.

Leaders pay close attention to local safeguarding risks for pupils, adjusting the curriculum to address issues and concerns. Pupils receive age-appropriate guidance on risks to their safety, such as harmful sexual behaviour, gangs and knife crime.

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