Crestwood Community School

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About Crestwood Community School

Name Crestwood Community School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Krista Dawkins
Address Shakespeare Road, Boyatt Wood, Eastleigh, SO50 4FZ
Phone Number 02380641232
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1460
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leadership is outstanding. The headteacher's passion, drive and determination are infectious.

Together with her leadership team, she has successfully made improvements to every aspect of the school since the last inspection. Senior leaders' vision and commitment ensured that the expansion of the school in 2016 to incorporate the Cherbourg Road campus was successful. Leaders quickly improved provision and standards across both school sites.

The new Crestwood Community School now offers a highly inclusive and nurturing education to pupils across Eastleigh. Governors very effectively contribute to the school's success. They precisely and rig...orously monitor all aspects of the school's work and challenge leaders to do better where necessary.

Leaders and governors have created a culture where staff and pupils flourish. The school offers a welcoming and caring community which many staff, pupils and parents described as the 'Crestwood family'. The support offered to the most vulnerable pupils is exceptional.

The broad curriculum is enriched with a wide variety of trips, visits and activities. Positive relationships exist between staff and pupils and they share high aspirations. Pupils, including some who had previously struggled to engage with education, are inspired by Crestwood's ethos.

Following a dip in outcomes in 2017, leaders implemented improvements in teaching and learning. Current progress in English, mathematics, science and most other subjects is now good. Restructured subject leadership and detailed planning are in place to improve teaching and assessment still further.

First-class support for pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities ensures that they make strong progress. Improved provision, together with ongoing monitoring and review, ensure that disadvantaged pupils are very well supported both pastorally and academically. Consequently, the attendance and achievement of this group have rapidly improved.

Teachers know their classes very well. Typically, they teach lessons that stimulate pupils' interest and help them to build their knowledge, skills and confidence. There is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect across the school.

Pupils' conduct around both sites is calm and orderly. Pupils apply themselves very well to their learning. Staff ensure that pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of everything they do.

Consequently, pupils are very well prepared for their next steps in education and life in modern, diverse Britain.

Information about this school

Crestwood Community School is slightly larger than the average-sized secondary school. In September 2016, Crestwood School expanded to amalgamate with the site previously occupied by Quilley School, which closed the previous term due to a falling roll and declining standards.

Crestwood Community School now provides education for pupils in key stages 3 and 4 on both its Shakespeare and Cherbourg campuses. Following the amalgamation of the two schools, there was a period of significant staffing turbulence and a restructure of leadership at all levels. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged and eligible for the pupil premium funding is above the national average.

Some pupils are eligible for the Year 7 catch-up premium. The majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is in line with the national average.

The proportion with a statement of special educational needs or education, health and care plan is above the national average. The school operates two specialist resource provisions. One offers 22 places for pupils who have dyslexia and is based on the Shakespeare campus.

A second offers places for up to 10 pupils who have social, emotional and mental health needs on the Cherbourg campus. A small number of pupils attend alternative provision at The Bridge Education Centre. In 2017, the school did not meet the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

Also at this postcode
Crestwood Pre-school Shakespeare Infant School

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