Shakespeare Infant School

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About Shakespeare Infant School

Name Shakespeare Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nikki Wilson
Address Shakespeare Road, Eastleigh, SO50 4FZ
Phone Number 02380573888
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 242
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a well-run school, with happy pupils who love attending. Leaders have high expectations for all pupils.

The school's motto of 'we care' is evident throughout all aspects of the school's work.

Pupils work hard. The school's learning values, such as independence, collaboration and emotional intelligence, support pupils well in understanding to care for others, how to behave and learn.

For example, 'Lucy Ladybird Time' teaches pupils to notice each other's positive behaviours and pay compliments to friends. Pupils understand what bullying is and how to report any worries. Pupils feel listened to, valued and safe.

Leaders support pupils' talents ...and interests well. For example, all pupils in Year 2 learn to play the ukulele and samba drums. Pupils eagerly take on leadership roles to help others.

The 'lunch bunch' leaders love helping younger children in the dining room.

The vast majority of parents and carers are full of praise for the school. As one parent wrote, summing up the views of many, 'It means a lot to have your child in a school you know they enjoy but also gets the best out of them.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have worked diligently to ensure that the curriculum, in all subjects, is well sequenced from early years to Year 2. Recent work with the neighbouring junior school has supported leaders to prepare pupils well for their next steps in learning. Transition into Shakespeare Infants is incredibly well considered.

This means that children get off to a flying start in early years and settle quickly. Leaders have established clear systems to identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They support teachers to adapt work for pupils very effectively.

As a result, pupils with SEND learn well.

Staff are passionate and knowledgeable about the subjects they teach. In most subjects, pupils develop precise knowledge that builds over time.

Teachers know exactly what to focus on and check. However, in some foundation subjects, leaders have identified too much knowledge for pupils to remember. This leads to pupils not having time to learn this knowledge in sufficient depth.

They do not remember clearly what they have been taught. Leaders are working on narrowing down content to what is the most important to recall for future learning. This has been very successful in science, for example.

Leaders prioritise reading well, and consequently pupils enjoy it. They love book assemblies, where they hear about new stories they can read. Leaders have recently introduced a phonics scheme.

They have made sure that staff are experts in teaching early reading. From the start of Reception, children quickly develop a secure understanding of phonics to help them read words. Pupils read books that match their phonics knowledge.

Teachers carefully check the sounds pupils know. They identify swiftly those pupils who need targeted and skilled support to help them catch up. As a result, pupils are learning to read fluently.

There is an unwavering determination, driven by leaders, that pupils should thrive in their personal as well as academic development. Following the pandemic, leaders identified the need to broaden pupils' horizons and help pupils understand the world they live in better. In addition to a well-considered personal, social and health education scheme, leaders have developed 'We Care time' and well-being lessons.

These coherently considered approaches contribute exceedingly well to pupils respecting others and themselves. In well-being lessons, for example, pupils learn self-care techniques, including strategies to support their mental health. Leaders encourage pupils to recognise their emotions very well.

Pupils behave exceedingly well in lessons and around the school. Low-level disruption is extremely rare and dealt with swiftly. Pupils know and understand the four 'golden rules' deeply.

They explain exactly what the rules mean and how to show the desired behaviours. As a result, attitudes to learning are exemplary. Pupils think about others, are caring of their friends, show excellent manners and try their best.

For example, in the woodland area at lunchtime, pupils take safe and appropriate risks while swinging on the trees. Pupils enjoy being active and learning about healthy lifestyles.

Staff appreciate the effort made by leaders to support their well-being and their skill base.

Leaders and governors have prioritised investment in developing staff's professional development. This has contributed to a workforce who are proud to work at Shakespeare Infants. Governors know the school well.

They hold leaders to account effectively for the quality of education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The motto of 'we care' sets the culture of keeping pupils safe.

Staff notice any change in a pupil's behaviour. Leaders train adults well. Staff know what to do if they have a concern.

Leaders regularly provide staff and governors with safeguarding newsletters. These keep all adults abreast of updates about their responsibilities and possible risks. Leaders act quickly and work closely with external agencies to ensure timely help for individual pupils.

Relationships between staff, pupils and parents are strong.Leaders have sequenced the curriculum carefully to help pupils learn how to keep safe. This includes online safety and self-care.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of foundation subjects, leaders have not narrowed down the essential knowledge that pupils need for future learning. Therefore, teachers do not know the most important knowledge to check and recap. Leaders should continue their work to refine the curriculum and make sure that all staff know what needs to be learned and remembered and the best ways to help pupils secure that knowledge.

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