East Lane Primary School

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About East Lane Primary School

Name East Lane Primary School
Website http://elps.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Sian Miller
Address East Lane, Wembley, HA0 3NT
Phone Number 02082894600
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 627
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very proud to come here.

They told us that the school prepares them well for secondary school and beyond. Pupils feel safe. They know that bullying is not accepted and that staff will deal with any issues promptly.

Pupils appreciate that staff are kind and supportive. Adults' high-quality support ensures that all pupils achieve as highly as they do.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent, both in classrooms and at playtimes.

Pupils are polite and well-mannered. They show great respect for one another, staff and visitors. Pupils' mature attitudes mirror the high expectations that staff have of them.

Pupils do not tolerate any form of discr...imination. Instead, they value each other's different cultures, beliefs and lifestyles.

In all subjects, teachers provide pupils with work that is both demanding and interesting.

Staff expect all pupils to do their best. Pupils are keen to have a go and explore new things with confidence.

Parents and carers told us how much they appreciate the work of leaders and staff, particularly the care that their children receive.

They are also impressed by the wealth of knowledge that their children gain. They understand that this is due to teachers' high expectations and strong subject knowledge.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are aspirational for every pupil.

In all subjects and year groups, leaders have clear and ambitious plans for what pupils will learn. They make sure that staff benefit from regular training on how to use these plans effectively. Teachers are experts in designing learning which builds successfully on what pupils have previously been taught.

Pupils develop in-depth knowledge in all the topics they study. Pupils spoke confidently and in detail about what they had learned. In all subjects, pupils' work is of excellent quality.

Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive excellent support from staff. Teachers know how best to adapt tasks so that these pupils learn the same content as their peers.

Pupils with SEND achieve highly in all subjects.

Reading is given utmost priority here. The phonics programme is well structured and ambitious.

Teachers check which sounds pupils know systematically. They make sure that the books pupils read match these sounds. By the end of Year 1, almost all pupils acquire the phonics knowledge they need to read accurately.

Teachers select high-quality texts for pupils to read, both in English and other subjects. This enables pupils to practise their reading skills exceptionally well.

In all subjects, planning builds towards ambitious end points.

Each subject is taught by subject specialists and those with professional expertise. When planning pupils' learning, teachers follow a carefully thought-through order. They introduce new subject matter so that pupils connect it with what they already know or can do.

For instance, pupils learning about the Roman Empire drew successfully on what they had been taught about Julius Caesar in the previous year. They also confidently identified how the legacy of ancient civilisations influences modern society.

Leaders and staff know exactly how well pupils learn in each subject.

They continually find ways to strengthen pupils' achievement. Pupils at risk of falling behind are spotted quickly. Leaders make sure that these pupils receive the support they need to catch up quickly.

Pupils' achievement in the national reading, writing and mathematics assessments is well above the national average.

Leaders give careful thought to the experiences pupils have to support their wider development. Leaders' choices reflect their high aspirations for pupils.

For instance, teachers recently organised a careers event so that pupils could find out about how to become a doctor. Pupils have plentiful opportunities to visit local museums and sporting facilities. These opportunities are planned deliberately to enhance pupils' learning.

Pupils also enjoy the many popular clubs on offer, such as history, Lego and football.

Reading is at the centre of the early years. Adults use actions and rhyme to bring books to life.

This helps children to acquire and use new words accurately. In all subjects, planning focuses sharply on ensuring that children gain a wide vocabulary. Parents said that they appreciate being involved in their children's early education.

This includes regular sessions on how to help their children's learning at home.

Pupils' attitudes are highly positive, including in the early years. Classrooms are calm and orderly places where pupils and teachers focus on learning without disruption.

This helps pupils to achieve as well as they do.

Leaders make sure that pupils learn about other faiths and cultures. Pupils spoke to us in detail about the religions they had studied.

Leaders and staff encourage pupils to respect the views and beliefs of others.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained and vigilant to any safeguarding issues.

They know the signs and symptoms of abuse. Staff report concerns promptly, and leaders act immediately to safeguard pupils' welfare. Leaders work closely with external agencies to protect any pupils who may be at risk from harm.

They also carry out careful checks on the suitability of adults who work in or visit the school.

Pupils are clear about how to recognise potentially unsafe situations. They know how to use the internet safely and to speak up if they see something that worries them.

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