Wembley High Technology College

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About Wembley High Technology College

Name Wembley High Technology College
Website http://www.whtc.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Thomas Best
Address East Lane, North Wembley, HA0 3NT
Phone Number 02083854800
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1552
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders ensure that the school is academically ambitious and nurtures pupils' personal and social development.

Pupils are happy here and safeguarding is effective. They are encouraged to look after their mental health. The behaviour of pupils reflects leaders' high expectations of them.

Pupils report that bullying is rare. When it does occur, it is dealt with swiftly by leaders. Older pupils help to organise events that value and encourage respect for different cultures and faiths.

In the sixth form, students are role models to younger pupils and take on leadership roles in the school.

Leaders have very high expectations for what pupils can achieve, ...including in the sixth form. The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils.

In some subjects, pupils start learning GCSE content before the start of Year 10. Leaders ensure that all pupils continue to study a broad, rich curriculum until the end of Year 9.

Pupils are inspired by their teachers to consider a wide range of career pathways.

Pupils from Year 7 upwards hear from a wide range of professional visiting speakers. They are taught employability skills such as interview techniques and financial management. Pupils leave school fully prepared for the next steps in their lives.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have thought carefully about the important knowledge they want pupils to learn. They have sequenced the curriculum so that pupils build up their understanding securely over time. Some pupils are entered for GCSE examinations in Year 10 and then study for GCSE courses in subjects such as Latin, astronomy and further mathematics in Year 11, which expands the breadth of subjects pupils can choose to study.

Students in the sixth form are highly ambitious for their futures. They choose to study A-level courses in a broad range of subjects.

Teachers are subject experts.

They know how to get the best from pupils. Teachers explain new subject content clearly. They give pupils time to practise and consolidate what they have learned so that they know it securely.

Pupils produce work of an exceptionally high quality. Teachers help pupils to make links between different ideas. This helps them to build a deep and complex understanding of the subjects they study.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary, including in the sixth form. Pupils work hard and are determined to do well. Low-level disruption is rare and swiftly addressed if it does occur.

Around the school, pupils are polite and courteous.

Teachers use assessment to identify where pupils can improve. They check pupils' learning carefully to ensure that they have a secure understanding of key knowledge in each topic.

In class, teachers check carefully that pupils understand new content before they move on to introduce new learning. They skilfully address any misconceptions and knowledge gaps when they arise. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils love to read. In English, pupils study a wide range of challenging texts. Sixth-form students routinely engage with university-level research articles.

Leaders ensure that pupils who struggle with reading get extra help so that they learn to read fluently and with confidence. Through effective partnership work, leaders have secured funding which enables them to give a reading book to each pupil to keep every six weeks. In this way over time, pupils build up their own library at home.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities study the same curriculum as their peers. Staff know the needs of these pupils well. Subject-specialist teachers support these pupils effectively.

There is a well-planned personal development curriculum that enriches pupils' learning. Teachers support pupils to develop their discussion skills and engage in debate. They are taught the principles of democracy and take part in democratic elections within the school.

Leaders have expanded the range of clubs and societies that pupils can choose to attend. At present, younger pupils are typically reluctant to take up these opportunities to develop their wider talents and interests. Pupils in the school council have brought to leaders' attention pupils' general desire for a wider range of enrichment clubs outside of their academic interests.

Sixth-form students take responsibility for leading the school's medicine society and school council.

All pupils receive excellent careers advice. They take part in regular careers events and meet with impartial advisers.

Former students speak in assemblies about their experiences, such as apprenticeships in engineering and banking. Sixth-form students are well supported to reach a range of aspirational destinations. They receive support with university applications to help them clarify their thinking and support decision-making.

All staff share leaders' extremely high aspirations for pupils in the school. Staff appreciate the support they receive to develop their professional knowledge and skills. Trustees work with leaders to drive continued school improvement.

Leaders use assessment to check the progression of pupils continuously. They have made adjustments to reduce other aspects of teachers' workload to ensure that it is manageable. Staff were highly positive about the school's leadership, including their approachability and the consideration given to their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that school procedures to safeguard pupils are robust. Staff know how to identify pupils who are at risk of harm and report their concerns.

Leaders work effectively with a range of outside agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families. The school carries out thorough pre-employment checks when recruiting new staff.

Pupils are taught how to safeguard their wellbeing.

They receive age-appropriate lessons on issues including the significance of consent and the seriousness of sexual harassment. Pupils are encouraged to keep themselves safe online. They trust the adults in the school and know how to get help if they need to.

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