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This is a good school. The headteacher, senior leaders and the governing body have very successfully focused on improving the quality of teaching and raising achievement.
Consequently, the school is improving. Children enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills typical for their age. From their starting points, all groups of pupils make good progress as they move through the school and achieve well.
Excellent systems are in place which ensure that pupils' progress is tracked rigorously and consistently across the school. Good teaching and the use of a range of attractive resources engages pupils' interest and enables them to make good progress. The cur...riculum is rich and the links with schools overseas ensures pupils are well equipped to become global citizens.
Pupils' behaviour is typically good in lessons and around the school. Pupils show respect and kindness towards each other, staff and visitors. Pupils rightly say that they feel safe in school.
Teachers know their pupils well, relationships are good and classes are very well managed. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Teaching is good rather than outstanding. In some lessons, pupils have insufficient time to learn on their own, questioning does not always fully extend their understanding and work is not always precisely matched to their abilities.
Pupils' progress in English, although good, is not as rapid as that in mathematics. New approaches to the teaching of reading have not yet been refined and become fully embedded in the school's work. The skills of teaching assistants are not always used fully, particularly in the teaching of reading.
Information about this school
The school is average in size compared with other primary schools. Most pupils are from White British backgrounds and the vast majority speaks English as their first language. A small proportion of the pupils are eligible for the pupil premium, which provides additional funding for children in local authority care and pupils known to be eligible for free school meals.
The proportion of pupils supported through school action is well below average. The proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is below average. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for attainment and progress.