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Pupils at Gilbert Colvin Primary School enjoy a warm, welcoming environment where they feel safe, valued, and engaged. From the babble of water in the fountain at the front of the school to the 'zen room', the school's atmosphere is calm and orderly.
This atmosphere is underpinned by the school's clear routines and shared expectations.For example, pupils quickly respond when staff ask them to move around the school and classroom. Whether this is the 'bug song' to move to carpet spaces or sharing actions to indicate they are ready to learn, there is a shared language to help pupils with maintaining focus and respect.
The school sets high expectations for every pupil's ...learning. These are clearly realised in the curriculum and the way that pupils take part in lessons, engage in discussions, and show an enthusiasm for learning. As a result, pupils achieve well in school.
There is a strong emphasis on early reading, with phonics teaching that build pupils' confidence and fluency from the early years onwards. Pupils are encouraged to be responsible, respectful and active citizens. They take part in enriching extra-curricular activities and school trips, such as to places of worship or the local library.
These opportunities help to broaden their understanding of the world.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has established a curriculum that is both broad and ambitious. This curriculum is based on a programme of learning that gives all pupils the necessary knowledge and cultural capital they need for future success.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are generally supported well. The school identifies needs accurately, including any barriers to learning for pupils with SEND. Pupils receive the help that they need to overcome these barriers.
The school is currently working on developing approaches to supporting all pupils to keep up in their learning. Currently, adaptations to teaching are, on occasion, not as helpful as they should be in addressing gaps in pupils' understanding that have arisen.
The school delivers a rigorous reading curriculum, underpinned by well-sequenced learning and resources.
This approach has led to marked improvements in early reading outcomes, with pupils demonstrating fluency and confidence.
Across subjects, the school offers an engaging curriculum that develops pupils' knowledge and enables them to think critically about key concepts. For example, in art, pupils use their knowledge to evaluate their work and discuss the merits of different techniques.
However, the school does not make use of teachers' checks of what pupils can do and know in some subjects. This means that there are sometimes gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding.
Behaviour is managed through the school's supportive, consistent approach.
Teachers listen to pupils and set simple expectations that help pupils know when to stop and focus. This helps to foster a culture of respect and self-discipline. Pupils are rarely interrupted from their learning.
They enjoy their lessons and try hard.
Improving pupils' attendance is a high priority. If pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should, the school works with families to help them overcome barriers that prevent their children from attending school.
This work is successful and beginning to have a positive impact on pupils' attendance.
The promotion of pupils' personal development is incorporated into daily learning. Pupils like their assemblies, where they discuss topics such as the rights of a child, democracy, and fairness.
They also explore fundamental British values through assemblies and class discussions. During discussions, older pupils demonstrate a sensitive awareness of personal boundaries and respect for diversity, reflecting a school culture that values inclusivity. In the early years, children quickly develop positive attitudes toward learning.
They build their understanding of the seven areas of learning, the world around them and are taught how to cooperate with others in learning and play.
Outside the classroom, cultural trips, such as visits to museums and galleries, enhance pupils' understanding of history and society. Sports and extra-curricular activities further build pupils' teamwork skills and resilience as well as knowledge of healthy relationships.
The school has developed parent forums and coffee mornings to actively involve families in the school. This approach is one example of the way that the school ensures that parents have a shared understanding of the school's expectations for safeguarding and respectful behaviour.
School leaders and governors have a clear understanding of where the strengths and areas for development in the school are.
They have set a clear, ambitious vision which is helping to secure continued improvements.
Staff have access to appropriate training, mentoring and support. Staff workload and well-being are well considered, including for example, through regular check-ins to ensure that all members of staff feel valued.
Governors contribute to strategic decision-making through regular review meetings and a strong focus on accountability. They challenge and support leaders to ensure that the school is working in the best interests of all pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? In the foundation subjects, the school does not identify and plug gaps in pupils' knowledge precisely. This means that pupils' achievement is not as strong as it could be in these curriculum areas. The school should ensure that assessment is used effectively in all subjects, thus enabling pupils to know, understand and do more.
• Some adaptations to teaching for pupils who have gaps in their learning are not fully effective. On occasion, these pupils do not make as much progress through the curriculum as they could. The school should ensure that support for these pupils is as effective as possible so that they learn more.