Lord Grey Academy

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About Lord Grey Academy

Name Lord Grey Academy
Website http://www.lordgrey.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Samantha Satyanadhan
Address Rickley Lane, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6EW
Phone Number 01908626110
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1420
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school values of determination, ambition, curiosity, civility, and integrity have steadily taken hold at Lord Grey Academy. Pupils recognise the power of these qualities, and most are proud to display them and are motivated by the 'value points' that they receive for their actions.

Pupils excitedly explain why they received points and the difference their actions have made to their learning or to the school community. They enjoy the meaningful opportunities related to character education and recognise how these help to develop them as rounded individuals.

Staff and pupils have positive working relationships.

Pupils know that staff have their best interest...s at heart. This creates a sense of trust where pupils will have a go with their learning, even when it is difficult. Lessons are often joyful as pupils make connections with prior learning and realise that they have built their knowledge well.

However, there is also frustration. Many pupils are frustrated that there are a few pupils who sometimes resist the high expectations that staff have for them. These pupils can disrupt lessons and social time.

Overall, though, behaviour is good. Pupils feel safe and trust teachers to continue to deal with poor behaviour and any unkind acts or words.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a focused learning community where the vast majority of pupils enjoy learning and can see that they are making good progress through the curriculum.

There is a buzz of positivity in lessons and around the school.

Due to this culture of learning, more and more students stay on for the sixth form. Staff work hard to make sure that students go to whichever provider is right for them and their aspirations, not just stay on where they are comfortable.

This is typical of the moral focus of leaders: they want the best for each pupil in the school. Across the school, careers information, education, advice and guidance is planned and delivered successfully.

The well-considered curriculum is now secure across most of the school.

Subject leaders aim to put the building blocks of knowledge that pupils need in the best order. Leaders recognise that this is not yet right across all year groups in some subjects. In these cases, pupils' learning is hindered because their learning does not build effectively enough.

Pupils respond well to the whole-school routines including assessment checks on prior learning. Teachers use this information to adapt learning for pupils but have generally already prepared for this because they know pupils so well. This is especially the case for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Support for pupils with SEND is a strength of the school. The special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) ensures that all staff have detailed understanding of pupils' needs and know how best to meet them. Consequently, staff adapt learning very well and make sure that pupils with SEND are fully included.

A high proportion stay on to the sixth form, going on to ambitious futures.

Some pupils join the school having fallen behind with reading. The SENCo manages a skilled team who help these pupils to quickly gain the knowledge they need to become confident, fluent readers.

Across the school staff promote reading for pleasure and learning. Pupils understand how fundamental it is to future success. Some adore the fortnightly reading lessons, but others see them as less important and so do not work as hard as they do elsewhere.

Overall, attitudes to learning are very positive but there is frustration at the small minority of pupils who do not follow the rules. At these times, the attention of teachers is diverted from those who do want to learn. Not all staff follow the school behaviour management processes consistently.

This undermines the clear messages and expectations. Leaders are acting appropriately to address this situation, but pupils and parents want to see more rapid results.

Pupils' personal development is a strength of the school.

Leaders ensure that all pupils have a wide range of opportunities. Pupils engage well with these and are keen to discuss tricky moral issues or consider their aims for modern British society.

Leadership at all levels is effective.

In particular, the multi-academy trust (MAT) has supported staff development well. Local governors hold leaders to account to ensure that standards are high. Staff feel well supported and able to focus on their teaching.

Historically, the proportion of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate is low, with few pupils taking a foreign language GCSE. Leaders have addressed this successfully and more pupils than ever before are due to continue with these studies.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff know what to look for and how to use the school processes if they have any worry about a pupil. They follow these processes well and leaders take prompt and appropriate action when concerns are raised. They work well with external agencies to secure help for pupils and their families.

Pupils follow a comprehensive programme of lessons, assemblies and events that help them to learn how to identify risks and keep themselves safe, including when online. Pupils are confident that staff take their worries seriously and will act on their concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subject areas, the sequence of learning over time is still being refined.

Where it is weaker, pupils' learning does not build effectively enough. Leaders need to ensure that this work is completed and that all staff understand how to ensure that pupils retain and recall their knowledge from their learning. ? A minority of pupils display challenging behaviour.

There is sometimes inconsistency of application of the school's behaviour management processes. Consequently, some pupils have their learning disrupted in some lessons. Leaders need to ensure that all staff share the same high expectations demonstrated by leaders and follow the agreed processes to manage behaviour consistently.

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