Reach Academy Feltham

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About Reach Academy Feltham

Name Reach Academy Feltham
Ofsted Inspections
Co-Headteacher Matilda Browne, Beck Owen
Address 53-55 High Street, Feltham, TW13 4AB
Phone Number 02088931099
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 2-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 898
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Everyone, from the Nursery to sixth form, is kept happy and safe.

Pupils are rightly very proud to be a members of this unique community. Children and pupils learn early on to conduct themselves maturely and with a deep respect for other people.

Pupils talk to their teachers and each other responsibly.

They are trusted to address their teachers by their first name. In turn, they trust their teachers to help them with any worries they may have.

As pupils get older, they are expected to become more independent and responsible for their own learning.

They benefit from high-quality learning opportunities within a culture of care. Pupils get the ...right help to consistently meet the high expectations staff have of them. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve very well.

They have exceptional opportunities to learn in the classroom and through enrichment activities and visits. Pupils learn to value themselves, each other, their school and their community. They are taught to feel optimistic about their futures through a very strong careers programme that starts in the early years.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school offers a broad and highly ambitious curriculum for everyone. The English Baccalaureate is at the heart of school's curriculum at key stage 4. All pupils, including those with SEND, study at least one modern foreign language until they are aged 16.

All subjects are carefully and coherently designed from early years. Component knowledge is precisely identified so that it builds sequentially. For example, in mathematics, children learn about number, shape and pattern from the early years.

This lays the foundation for geometry and algebra in later years. Likewise, in history, pupils learn about invasion, expansion and migration with increasing complexity. For example, pupils learn about the Romans in Britain in Year 3 and the Vikings in Year 7.

Pupils then learn how migration and colonisation influenced American and British politics in Years 10 and 11.

Teachers' subject knowledge is excellent. There is a consistently high quality of delivery across subjects and phases.

In every lesson, learning is optimised. Activities enable pupils to recap, rehearse and apply what they have learned. This supports all pupils, including those with SEND.

Teachers also work with specialists such as speech and language therapists to ensure that needs are met effectively. As a result, pupils remember the key knowledge they need to be ready for the next stages. Teachers regularly check what pupils have learned and understood in lessons.

They correct misconceptions as they occur.

Children in the Nursery learn sounds, language structures and vocabulary through songs, stories and rhymes. This is carefully planned so children have a strong base from which to learn phonics and writing.

In Reception Year and Year 1, pupils rapidly learn to read with fluency. This is because of the expert and consistent approach to phonics used by staff.Expertly trained staff identify and support those pupils who need more time to practise their skills.

Mistakes are addressed quickly, with precision and without fuss. This has led to exceptional outcomes for all pupils. There is also a genuine love of reading throughout the school.

Behaviour is excellent. Consistently applied routines ensure learning happens without interruption. Pupils display highly positive attitudes to learning in class.

They also help each other to behave well around the school. Older pupils and sixth-form students model positive behaviour to younger children when helping them tidy up at the end of lunchtime or playtime. The school tracks behaviour incidents carefully.

It uses this information to inform what is being taught in the personal development curriculum. This way, any issues are quickly addressed, and high expectations are reinforced. The school manages attendance extremely well and attendance rates are high.

It works with parents and other agencies to provide effective help and support to those who struggle to attend.

Pupils access a very broad and carefully planned enrichment and personal development curriculum. Pupils learn about healthy relationships, fundamental British values, different faiths and how to keep safe through lessons, workshops and visiting speakers.

Pupils visit places of worship, theatres, museums and art galleries to expand their cultural capital and supplement their academic learning. Every year group from Year 3 onwards participates in a residential trip to develop independence and confidence. Students in Years 12 and 13 do cookery classes and financial workshops in readiness for when they live independently.

There are many leadership opportunities for all ages. The school council campaigns for community projects and raises money for charity.

Governors and trustees at the school share a drive and ambition with school leaders to ensure all pupils access a future of opportunity and choice.

They regularly review the school's work to ensure this is achieved. Engagement with staff, parents and the wider community is a priority. Staff consider leaders to be highly considerate of their workload and well-being.

They value their training and development opportunities. Parents are overwhelmingly happy with the education and support their children receive at Reach Academy Feltham.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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