Rivers Academy West London

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About Rivers Academy West London

Name Rivers Academy West London
Website http://www.rivers-aspirations.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Luke Homer
Address Tachbrook Road, Feltham, TW14 9PE
Phone Number 02088900245
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1001
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils benefit from an excellent education. The school's curriculum is highly ambitious for all, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils in key stages 3 and 4 achieve highly, including in national examinations.

Students in the sixth form achieve well and are thoroughly prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils feel safe in school. They know who to talk to if they have a concern.

Staff are vigilant and ensure that pupils are kept safe from harm. Behaviour is exceptional. Pupils and students in the sixth form work hard in lessons and demonstrate respect and courtesy to adults and peers alike.

T...his is because the school has consistently high expectations of behaviour. Where pupils struggle, the school takes swift and effective action to provide appropriate support. Pupils are committed to their learning and keen to do well.

This is reflected in the high-quality work they produce across different subjects.

The school offers an extensive range of opportunities to develop pupils' talents and interests. Pupils benefit from participation in a rich range of additional activities, visits and cultural events.

These have included outings to The Royal Courts of Justice, Houses of Parliament and fieldtrips beyond London to Swanage, Southampton and Spain. These opportunities provide pupils with rich and meaningful experiences.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is well-thought-through and broad in scope.

It is coherently sequenced and enables pupils to recall prior learning and apply this with confidence in different contexts. For example, in geography, pupils deepen their understanding about the water cycle. They build on this knowledge when considering weather and climate factors affecting different locations around the world.

Secure foundations are established in Year 7. Staff ensure that all pupils are supported to become confident readers and writers from the start, including those with SEND. The school identifies pupils' specific needs accurately and ensures that this information is shared with staff.

Teachers use this guidance well and make appropriate adaptations which enable all pupils to access and learn the curriculum successfully.

The school provides high-quality subject-specific training for staff. Teachers have strong subject knowledge, which is consistent across subjects.

They present information clearly and carefully check and address any misconceptions pupils may have. Pupils, including those with SEND, develop a deep body of knowledge and skills in different subjects. Some aspects of the curriculum are not embedded as fully in the sixth form.

In a small number of subjects, there is more work to do to strengthen the implementation of the key stage 5 curriculum to match the ambition and consistently high standards in key stages 3 and 4.

Staff have very high expectations of pupils' behaviour. The school is an orderly and purposeful environment.

Pupils benefit from the support they receive. A multi layered approach ensures that 'lead practitioners' and 'sponsors' offer precise and swift, effective intervention for those who struggle with their behaviour. As a result, learning is rarely disrupted, and relationships are positive.

Pupils take pride in their achievements, developing independence and confidence as they move through the school. Pupils in the sixth form relish the opportunity to be reading buddies and support pupils in Year 7 to read and access the curriculum.

Pupils and sixth-form students attend well.

The school has high expectations of attendance and punctuality, and these are commonly understood. Staff monitor any trends or patterns of concern closely and work with external agencies to ensure that pupils' welfare is supported effectively.

The personal, social and health education curriculum is carefully designed to support pupils' wider development very well.

Pupils learn about how to look after their physical and mental health. For instance, pupils in Year 8 have recently worked with community nurses to raise the profile of oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. The curriculum also helps pupils to understand different faiths and perspectives, for example through discussion, debate and visits to places of worship such as the local gurdwara.

Pupils readily take on additional responsibilities. These include being anti-bullying ambassadors, academic mentors and as part of the senior student leadership group.

There is a comprehensive programme of careers advice that thoroughly prepares pupils and students for the next stage of education, employment or training.

For example, an independent careers advisor and academic mentoring programme provide helpful guidance and support. Similarly, visiting speakers provide a range of useful information about different pathways, including apprenticeships and universities. This enables pupils and students to make informed choices about their next steps.

The school is sharply focused on what is working well and areas that need further development. The trust board and regional governors have high expectations that all pupils are successful and achieve well, including those who are disadvantaged. They hold leaders to account closely.

They maintain clear strategic oversight of the school's work and fulfil their statutory responsibilities. Staff, including those new to the profession, feel valued and appreciate the development opportunities available to them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Aspects of the sixth form curriculum are not implemented consistently. This is why, in some areas, outcomes in the sixth form are not as strong as elsewhere in the school. The school should ensure that the recent changes to the curriculum are fully embedded, and that staff have the support and training to implement these fully.

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