Space Studio West London

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About Space Studio West London

Name Space Studio West London
Ofsted Inspections
Andrew Morgan
Address Letchworth Avenue, Feltham, Hounslow, TW14 9PE
Phone Number 02036968140
Phase Academy
Type Studio schools
Age Range 14-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 218
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders have created a calm, safe and productive learning environment where pupils work collaboratively with each other, their teachers and industry mentors. Expectations are high.

Leaders and staff share the school's unique vision. Leaders encourage project-based learning with industry professionals, and work placement opportunities are numerous. A high focus on developing pupils' employability skills prepares pupils effectively for life in modern Britain.

Teachers have good subject knowledge and regularly assess pupils to ensure that they plan suitable activities. They routinely give advice on how pupils can improve their work or set ch...allenges. Leaders, however, do not systematically check that pupils respond to this feedback or attempt extension tasks as required by the school.

Excellent working relationships with teachers ensure that pupils receive ongoing support and guidance about their work. As a result, current pupils make good progress from their starting points. Pupils are genuinely interested in their studies and work hard, both in class and during independent study periods.

They are proud of their school and their achievements since starting at Space Studio West London. Attendance, though slightly below the national average, is improving. Leaders continue to focus on improving the attendance of identified pupils.

Initially, some students followed 16 to 19 study programmes that did not meet their academic abilities and consequently, in 2017, they did not make good progress. Leaders have been quick to redress this situation. Better information, advice and guidance ensures that students are now on the right post-16 courses.

Trust leaders and the governing body hold leaders sufficiently to account. They were quick to intercede following below-average examination results in 2017. As a result, they have improved the standard of teaching and made changes to the curriculum to ensure that pupils are studying appropriate subjects.

School leaders, while being reflective, do not systematically analyse the impact of their actions on pupils' outcomes. At times, this impedes the progress some pupils make. Parents, though generally complimentary, would like further opportunities to be involved in the school and their children's education.

Pupils do not use their communication and numeracy skills well enough across all subjects and the core project, which slows their progress.

Information about this school

The Space Studio West London opened in September 2015 as a mixed non-denominational studio school for students aged 14 to 18 years old. Pupils join the school in Year 10 and Year 12.

The school focuses on science and mathematics, working with local, national and international organisations such as the National Space Centre, the European Space Agency, the UK Space Agency and the aerospace industry based in and around neighbouring Heathrow Airport. The school is sponsored by the Aspirations Academies Trust, which operates another studio school in Banbury. Two thirds of pupils are boys.

Over one-third of the pupils are known to be eligible for the pupil premium, which is above average. Almost three quarters of pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds, which is higher than the national average. No pupils attend alternative provision.

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