St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mrs Rachael Kilmister
Address Sedgley Road, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5LG
Phone Number 01902558855
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 399
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this wonderful school. Children get off to a flying start as they join and continue to do well throughout their time in school. All pupils achieve exceptionally highly and are very well prepared to move on to the next stage of their education.

The school carefully supports pupils to be successful in all aspects of school life. Pupils have time to practise what they are learning and improve. They are helped to understand what it means to be part of the school community.

Pupils contribute greatly to the buzz of enjoyment that exists throughout the day. Staff are highly consistent with pupils. Pupils, even the youngest ones, demonstrate a strong understa...nding of the routines and expectations.

For example, pupils respond rapidly to instruction as they move between activities, ensuring learning time is maximised.

Pupils particularly enjoy the musical theatre productions, the regular 'Friday Disco' and range of clubs that are on offer. They are very proud of the leadership opportunities they have, which help shape the school.

These include contributing to the eco-council, the faith team and building links nationally and internationally. Pupils have a strong sense of being a part of the 'St Bart's family'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve very highly across the curriculum.

All pupils learn to read confidently and accurately, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).Pupils are immersed in the school's reading culture, developing a real enthusiasm for all forms of reading. Those in the early stages of reading are helped to make rapid and sustained progress with learning to read.

This means that pupils quickly secure the phonics knowledge they need to read fluently. The transition to reading widely and writing well has been carefully considered and implemented robustly. Pupils have opportunities to practise, make mistakes and improve their skills.

In early years, adults ensure that children develop in the areas they need to. Children settle quickly to activities, concentrate very well and delight in their learning. For example, children in both Nursery and Reception enjoy receiving an invitation to the teddy bear's birthday party.

They happily prepare for it by counting candles on birthday cakes, singing songs and using precise cutting skills to prepare party food. Children articulate their learning precisely, using the vocabulary that the school has carefully identified for them to learn.

The school has crafted a curriculum which builds in a highly connected way.

This allows pupils to build on their prior knowledge confidently, regardless of the subject. For example, in Reception, children develop precise skills with adults initially and then become increasingly independent over time. Teachers have a strong, shared understanding of the curriculum.

They check effectively pupils' knowledge and understanding of what they have learned. The school ensures that staff receive timely and focused support to develop their practice even further.

Adults model effectively the behaviours that they expect.

Strongly held and shared values are apparent throughout the school. As a result, pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Pupils are polite, courteous and extremely well behaved.

They have a compelling thirst for learning and enjoy coming to school.

Securing high attendance is a significant priority. As a result of the robust systems to track attendance, the school easily identifies pupils who may need further support.

The school works with families to successfully improve attendance rates for these pupils.

The school intelligently integrates its work with respect to behaviour and personal development. A meticulously planned and monitored programme is adapted to support pupils who need specific help.

As a result, pupils' character development is truly exceptional. They have a strong understanding of British values, especially the importance of democracy and equality.

Pupils are involved in a wide range of development opportunities.

These help them grow and contribute to the school and beyond. Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Trips and competitions that pupils participate in help with this.

All pupils participate in clubs which aid them in the development of different talents and interests. High-quality opportunities build to help pupils become well-rounded citizens of the future by the time they leave.Leaders at all levels have pupils at the very heart of their decision-making.

Trust leaders and governors have a clear, shared vision. They understand their roles and responsibilities extremely well. The school and trust are mindful of the impact on workload of any changes that they introduce.

Staff are very proud to work in this school. Parents hold the school in very high regard.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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