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About The Deanery Church of England Primary School
Fox Hollies Road, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, B76 2RD
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Church of England
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are very proud to be a part of this highly successful school. They feel happy and safe, valued and heard.
Pupils are respectful and thoughtful and treat one another kindly. On the rare occasions when behaviour falls below the school's high expectations, pupils have confidence that the school will sort it out.
The school has high ambitions for all pupils.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) study the full curriculum alongside their peers. The school sets high expectations for behaviour in lessons, and pupils strive to meet them. They display exemplary attitudes to learning.
Older pupils become focused, independent a...nd resilient learners. As a result, they achieve very well across the curriculum, producing work of a high quality. By the time pupils leave Year 6, they are very well prepared for their next adventures in education.
An impressive drive to provide pupils with life in all its fullness stands out in the variety of enrichment activities the school offers. Whether it is representing the school at competitive sporting events or taking on a role as a peer mediator, pupils relish contributing to their school life and its successes. Pupils are genuinely active partners in this vibrant learning community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has put in place a curriculum that is exciting and meaningful to pupils. Much thought has gone into how the most important knowledge in each subject is organised to build pupils' understanding over time. This is resulting in pupils developing secure knowledge and skills.
They become skilled writers and expert historians with a firm grasp of chronology. They develop into accomplished mathematicians who enjoy a challenge.
Teachers present information clearly and provide precise instruction and guidance.
They use effective questioning to draw out learning and deepen pupils' thinking. Lessons are characterised by a palpable enthusiasm and excitement for learning. Revisiting previous learning is a common thread across lessons.
Pupils understand that learning builds on what they already know and prepares them for what they will learn next.
Children in Nursery and Reception get off to a flying start to their education. The school identifies children who have SEND early on and provides effective support.
Children quickly settle into established routines in a safe, enabling environment. High-quality and abundant resources are readily accessible, and staff use these highly effectively. Staff interact extremely skilfully with pupils, modelling precise language while exuding warmth and care.
A carefully structured curriculum enables children to succeed in all areas of learning, and they do. Children successfully gain the foundational skills and knowledge they will need to continue to be successful as they move to Year 1.
Early reading has a high priority.
In Reception, children start daily phonics lessons. The school has ensured staff are well trained to teach these lessons precisely and consistently. Children develop secure phonics knowledge quickly.
Staff spot when children are struggling with phonics and provide effective, timely support to ensure they keep up with their peers. By the end of key stage 1, pupils become confident, fluent readers who love to read. They read widely and often, becoming discerning consumers of literature.
The extent to which the curriculum extends beyond the academic is impressive. Pupils benefit from a wide range of personal development opportunities. These include weekly enrichment afternoons, extensive extra-curricular clubs and a wealth of leadership roles.
Pupils run the school library, serve as worship leaders and become playmakers for younger pupils. They visit the theatre and places of worship, go on residential trips and often undertake charity work. Many pupils work towards earning their 'Junior Duke' award.
This includes a range of personal challenges to build life skills and independence. Through their personal, social and health education lessons, pupils gain an excellent understanding of equality. All in all, pupils are very well placed to become active, caring citizens.
Pupils behave exceptionally well around the school due to the well-understood and consistently applied rules and expectations. The school also works tirelessly to ensure that pupils attend regularly, and they are rarely absent.
Leaders at all levels are highly effective.
They are driven by a clear vision that focuses on achieving excellent outcomes for all pupils. They make careful checks on the quality of provision and swiftly address aspects that could be even stronger. There is a culture here of continual improvement that staff feel very much a part of.
The school supports staff well in terms of their workload and well-being. Staff appreciate this and are very proud to work at Deanery Church of England Primary School.