The Elmgreen School

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About The Elmgreen School

Name The Elmgreen School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mr Dominic Bergin
Address Elmcourt Road, Tulse Hill, London, SE27 9BZ
Phone Number 02087665020
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1132
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school here.

They value the diversity of the school community and are very respectful to pupils from different backgrounds and with different abilities.

Pupils benefit from a well-thought through curriculum from Year 7 through to the sixth form. This includes opportunities for pupils to study a range of academic and vocational qualifications, delivered by teachers who know their subjects very well.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in their learning.

Many pupils take advantage of the very large range of opportunities that are offered outside of the classroom. This includes a var...iety of sporting clubs, games clubs and book clubs, as well as high participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme.

Pupils are safe here. They say that bullying is rare, and when it does happen it is dealt with effectively by staff. Pupils are polite and courteous and positive about their learning.

This includes those in the sixth form who are particularly proud of their school. Pupils generally conduct themselves very well, but occasionally some lessons are disrupted by poor behaviour.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a curriculum that is broad and balanced.

All pupils, including those with SEND follow the same ambitious curriculum. Leaders have thought carefully about the key knowledge that pupils should learn and they have made sure this is carefully organised. After Year 9 pupils study a range of different qualifications following a carefully supported options process.

Sixth-form provision is a strength of the school where pupils can study academic qualifications, vocational qualifications, or a combination of both.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and are passionate about what they teach. A continued emphasis on revisiting earlier learning helps pupils to know and to remember key concepts.

Pupils with SEND, particularly those with education, health and care plans are well supported in lessons. Sometimes, however, teachers do not adapt teaching activities so that they are suitable for the whole range of abilities in the classroom. This means that on occasion some pupils do not fully engage with their learning.

Leaders promote reading across the school. Pupils in Years 7 to 9 benefit from weekly literacy and numeracy lessons. Those pupils who need extra help with reading are identified early and receive support from trained staff.

This support is regularly reviewed.

Pupils are generally very well behaved in school. In most cases lessons are purposeful and calm, and pupils work hard.

Leaders have developed a clear behaviour system which emphasises high expectations, but sometimes teachers do not follow this. This means that sometimes pupils' behaviour can disrupt the learning of others. Pupils are kind to each other and say that bullying is very rare.

Pupils know that discriminatory language is unacceptable and say that it is very rarely heard in the school. Pupils attend school regularly. Leaders carefully monitor the attendance of pupils, particularly those who are vulnerable.

Leaders have ensured that pupils' wider development is prioritised. Pupils appreciate and participate in the many clubs and activities that are on offer. This includes the sixth form, where pupils can also take on leadership roles.

A carefully thought-out programme of personal, social, health, citizenship and economic education is delivered to all year groups. This helps pupils to learn how to stay safe, as well as other important skills such as healthy eating. Pupils benefit from a broad and comprehensive programme of careers education and guidance.

This includes work experience and university visits, as well as specific support for pupils with SEND.

Leaders, staff, pupils, and governors are proud of the school's diversity and its emphasis on celebrating difference and tackling discrimination. Leaders engage actively with the whole school community, for example the headteacher attends regular meetings with parents and carers to share information or discuss any concerns.

Leaders, governors, and trustees all share the same high ambition for pupils in the school. Governors have an accurate understanding of the school's priorities. Staff are proud to work in the school and say that leaders are considerate of their well-being and workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that safeguarding is prioritised. A dedicated safeguarding team has a strong oversight of key issues that face the pupils in the school.

Leaders show persistence and tenacity in working with other agencies to make sure the right support is in place for those pupils who are most vulnerable.

Staff know how to report concerns and are regularly updated on safeguarding issues by leaders. Pupils say they feel safe in school and are confident that any concerns they report will be dealt with.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not routinely adapt teaching activities to meet the needs of pupils of different abilities. This means that some pupils become disengaged in lessons and are not able to build on prior learning or embed new knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers routinely deploy teaching activities that meet the needs of the full range of pupils so that some pupils do not become disengaged and miss out on important learning.

• Sometimes the school's very clear behaviour policy is not applied consistently. This means that sometimes pupils disrupt the learning of others. Leaders should ensure that teachers apply the behaviour system routinely so that low level disruption does not escalate and stop pupils from learning.

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