The Best Primary Schools
in Hollow Brook

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The Best Primary Schools Near Hollow Brook

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Hollow Brook ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Hollow Brook in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Hareclive E-ACT Academy
Moxham Drive, Hartcliffe, Bristol, BS13 0HP
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Bishop Sutton Primary School
Wick Road, Bishop Sutton, Bristol, BS39 5XD
Good Academy 4-11
Bridge Farm Primary School
East Dundry Road, Bristol, BS14 0LL
Good Academy 4-11
Bridge Learning Campus
William Jessop Way, Bristol, BS13 0RL
Good Academy 3-16
Cameley CEVC Primary School
Meadway, Temple Cloud, Bristol, BS39 5BD
Good Academy 3-11
Chew Magna Primary School
Butham Lane, Chew Magna, Bristol, BS40 8RQ
Good Academy 4-11
Chew Stoke Church School
School Lane, Chew Stoke, Bristol, BS40 8UY
Good Academy 4-11
Chew Valley School
Chew Magna, Bristol, BS40 8QB
Good Academy 11-18
Chewton Mendip Church of England VA Primary School
High Street, Chewton Mendip, Radstock, BA3 4LL
Good Primary 4-11
Clutton Primary School
Station Road, Clutton, Bristol, BS39 5RA
Good Academy 4-11
Dundry Church of England Primary School
110 Dundry Lane, Bristol, BS41 8JE
Good Academy 4-11
East Harptree Church of England Primary School
Church Lane, East Harptree, Bristol, BS40 6BD
Good Academy 4-11
Fair Furlong Primary School
Vowell Close, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 9HS
Good Primary 3-11
Farrington Gurney Church of England Primary School
Church Lane, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, BS39 6TY
Good Academy 4-11
Four Acres Academy
Four Acres, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 8RB
Good Academy 2-11
New Fosseway School
Bridge Learning Campus, Teyfant Road, Bristol, BS13 0RG
Good Special 4-19
Pensford Primary School
Pensford Hill, Pensford, Bristol, BS39 4AA
Good Academy 4-11
Stanton Drew Primary School
Upper Stanton, Stanton Drew, Bristol, BS39 4EQ
Good Academy 4-11
Wansdyke Primary School
School Close, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0DU
Good Academy 4-11
Waycroft Academy
Selden Road, Stockwood, Bristol, BS14 8PS
Good Academy 2-11
Whitchurch Primary School
22 Bristol Road, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0PT
Good Academy 4-11
Woodlands Academy
Whittock Road, Stockwood, Bristol, BS14 8DQ
Good Academy 3-11
Bridge Learning Campus Primary
Bridge Learning Campus, Bishport Avenue, Hartcliffe, BS13 0RH
Requires improvement Unknown 3-11
E-Act Venturers’ Academy
Withywood Road, Withywod, Bristol, BS13 9AX
Requires improvement Academy (special) 4-19
Winford Church of England Primary School
Winford Church of England Primary School, Felton Lane, Bristol, BS40 8AD
Requires improvement Academy 4-11
E-Act Merchants’ Academy
Gatehouse Avenue, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 9AJ
Inadequate Academy 3-18

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