The Best Secondary Schools
in Church Hougham

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The Best Secondary Schools Near Church Hougham

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Church Hougham ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Church Hougham in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Dover Grammar School for Girls
Frith Road, Dover, CT16 2PZ
Outstanding Secondary 11-18
Green Park Community Primary School
The Linces, Buckland, Dover, CT16 2BN
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Shatterlocks Infant and Nursery School
Heathfield Avenue, Dover, CT16 2PB
Outstanding Academy 3-7
St Eanswythe’s Church of England Primary School
Church Street, Folkestone, CT20 1SE
Outstanding Academy 4-11
The Beacon Folkestone
Park Farm Road, Folkestone, CT19 5DN
Outstanding Special 3-19
Aycliffe Community Primary School
St David’s Avenue, Dover, CT17 9HJ
Good Primary 4-11
Barton Junior School
Barton Road, Dover, CT16 2ND
Good Academy 7-11
Capel-le-Ferne Primary School
Capel Street, Capel-le-Ferne, Folkestone, CT18 7HB
Good Primary 4-11
Castle Hill Community Primary School
Sidney Street, Folkestone, CT19 6HG
Good Primary 3-11
Charlton Church of England Primary School
Barton Road, Dover, CT16 2LX
Good Academy 4-11
Christ Church Cep Academy, Folkestone
Brockman Road, Folkestone, CT20 1DJ
Good Academy 4-11
Compass Community School Coastal Park
Heather Lodge, 2 Radnor Park West, Folkestone, CT19 5HH
Good Independent (special) 5-17
Dover Grammar School for Boys
Astor Avenue, Dover, CT17 0DQ
Good Secondary 11-18
Duke of York’s Royal Military School
Duke of York’s Royal Military School, Dover, CT15 5EQ
Good Academy 11-18
Elms School
Elms Vale Road, Dover, CT17 9PS
Good Special 5-16
Folkestone Academy
Academy Lane, Folkestone, CT19 5FP
Good Academy 11-19
Folkestone Primary
Academy Lane, Folkestone, CT19 5FP
Good Academy 2-11
Folkestone St. Mary’s Church of England Primary Academy
Warren Road, Folkestone, CT19 6QH
Good Academy 2-11
Folkestone, St Peter’s Church of England Primary School
The Durlocks, Folkestone, CT19 6AL
Good Primary 5-11
Guston Church of England Primary School
Burgoyne Heights, Guston, Dover, CT15 5LR
Good Primary 4-11
Lydden Primary School
Stonehall, Lydden, Dover, CT15 7LA
Good Primary 4-11
Martello Primary
Warren Way, Folkestone, CT19 6DT
Good Academy 4-11
Mundella Primary School
Black Bull Road, Folkestone, CT19 5QX
Good Academy 3-11
Priory Fields School
Astor Avenue, Dover, CT17 0FS
Good Academy 4-11
River Primary School
Lewisham Road, River, Dover, CT17 0PP
Good Primary 4-11
Selsted Church of England Primary School
Selsted, Wootton Lane, Selsted, Dover, CT15 7HH
Good Primary 4-11
Shepherdswell Church of England Primary School
Coldred Road, Shepherdswell, DOVER, CT15 7LH
Good Primary 4-11
St Edmund’s Catholic School
Old Charlton Road, Dover, CT16 2QB
Good Academy 11-18
St Martin’s School
Markland Road, Dover, CT17 9LY
Good Academy 4-11
St Richard’s Catholic Primary School
Castle Avenue, Dover, CT16 1EZ
Good Academy 4-11
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School
Parkfield Road, Folkestone, CT19 5BY
Good Academy 4-11
Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School
3-4 Brookside, Temple Ewell, Dover, CT16 3DT
Good Academy 4-11
The Sallygate School
Channels & Choices, Kearsney Manor, Temple Ewell, CT16 3EQ
Good Independent (special) 8-17
Vale View Community School
Vale View Road, Elms Vale, Dover, CT17 9NP
Good Academy 2-11
White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School
St Radigund’s Road, Dover, CT17 0LB
Good Academy 2-11
Whitfield Aspen School
Mayfield Road, Whitfield, Dover, CT16 3LJ
Good Primary 4-11
Astor Secondary School
Astor Avenue, Dover, CT17 0AS
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Dover Christ Church Academy
Melbourne Avenue, Dover, CT16 2EG
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Dover, St Mary’s Church of England Primary School
Laureston Place, Dover, CT16 1QX
Requires improvement Primary 4-11

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