The Best Secondary Schools
in LS21 2DF

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The Best Secondary Schools Near LS21 2DF

These are the top primary and secondary schools near LS21 2DF ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near LS21 2DF in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Askwith Community Primary School
Askwith, Otley, LS21 2HX
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Baildon Church of England Primary School
Coverdale Way, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 6TE
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Burley and Woodhead CofE Primary School
Sandholme Drive, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Ilkley, LS29 7RQ
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Burley Oaks Primary School
Langford Lane, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Ilkley, LS29 7EJ
Outstanding Academy 5-11
Otley Prince Henry’s Grammar School Specialist Language College
Farnley Lane, Otley, LS21 2BB
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy
Crofters Lea, Off New Road, Leeds, LS19 7HW
Outstanding Academy 4-11
St. Mary’s Menston, a Catholic Voluntary Academy
Bradford Road, Menston, Ilkley, LS29 6AE
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Ashfield Primary School
Weston Lane, Otley, LS21 2DF
Good Academy 3-11
Green Meadows Academy
Back Lane, Leeds, LS20 8LS
Good Academy (special) 2-19
Guiseley Primary School
Oxford Road, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 9DA
Good Primary 2-11
Guiseley School
Fieldhead Road, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 8DT
Good Secondary 11-18
Hawksworth Church of England Primary School
Main Street, Hawksworth, Leeds, LS20 8NX
Good Primary 4-11
Horsforth School
Lee Lane East, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5RF
Good Academy 11-18
Hoyle Court Primary School
Fyfe Grove, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 6DN
Good Primary 2-11
Menston Primary School
St. Peters Way, Menston, Ilkley, LS29 6NY
Good Academy 5-11
Otley All Saints CofE Primary School
Lisker Drive, Otley, LS21 1DF
Good Primary 3-11
Otley the Whartons Primary School
The Whartons, Otley, LS21 2BS
Good Primary 5-11
Queensway Primary School
Coppice Wood Avenue, Yeadon, Select, LS19 7LF
Good Primary 4-11
Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School
New Road Side, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6DD
Good Primary 4-11
Rawdon St Peter’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Town Street, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6PP
Good Primary 4-11
Rufford Park Primary School
Rufford Avenue, Leeds, LS19 7QR
Good Primary 3-11
Sandal Primary School
West Lane, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 5DH
Good Primary 3-11
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Otley
Manor Square, Otley, LS21 3AP
Good Academy 4-11
St. Oswald’s CofE Primary School
The Green, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 9BT
Good Primary 3-11
Thackley Primary School
Town Lane, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 8PJ
Good Primary 3-11
Tranmere Park Primary School
Ridge Close, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 8JJ
Good Primary 5-11
Westbrook Lane Primary School
Westbrook Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5AH
Good Primary 4-11
Westgate Primary School
Scarborough Road, Otley, LS21 3JS
Good Primary 3-11
Yeadon Westfield Infant School
Westfield Grove, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7NQ
Good Primary 3-7
Yeadon Westfield Junior School
New Road, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7HW
Good Primary 7-11
Benton Park School
Harrogate Road, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6LX
Requires improvement Secondary 11-18
Baildon Glen Primary School
Thompson Lane, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 7LY
Inadequate Academy 3-11

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