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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and feel safe. On arrival, they are greeted warmly by friendly staff. Children separate from their parents with ease to engage in activities that are attractively set up.
They build new friendships quickly and develop positive relationships with staff, who talk to them kindly and respectfully. This helps children to feel secure and settle quickly. Children have tremendous fun engaging in a broad selection of physical opportunities and sports activities each day.
For example, they take part in cricket, dodgeball, archery, athletics, football and lacrosse. Children concentrate fully and follow instructions... well. They become deeply engaged in what they are doing.
Children enjoy taking part in activities that encourage their creativity and imagination. For instance, they create a range of three- and two-dimensional models with magnetic shapes. Children confidently work as a team while using foam bricks and rocks.
They problem solve and persevere as they create large freestanding structures. Children behave well. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and are positive role models.
During the morning induction session, children listen attentively to staff's instructions and requests. They demonstrate how well they know the staff's expectations as they raise their hands to be chosen to explain the rules and answer questions.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Younger children are allocated a key person to ensure that their emotional and care needs are supported.
Staff also liaise with parents to share information about children's day. This helps to promote the welfare of the younger children within the camp.The skilled and experienced staff use a range of effective methods to ensure that children are engaged and motivated in their play.
They continually talk to children, asking them meaningful questions about their views and the activities which they are taking part in. Staff value children's responses, which encourages children to find their voice and be confident communicators.During extremely warm weather, staff implement regular cooling breaks throughout the day.
This helps to ensure that children have ample time to rest and have drinks. During this time, younger children enjoy story times with staff as the older children play games, such as hangman.Prior to children starting the camp, staff gather a wealth of information from parents about their children's individual medical and dietary needs.
This helps them to ensure consistency, so that children's health and well-being are fully protected.The management team is proactive in evaluating the provision to ensure ongoing improvement. They are considering the inclusion of parents' feedback to help raise the quality of the club to an even higher standard.
Children have lots of positive comments about camp. They enthusiastically share details of the activities which they enjoy taking part in. They also comment that they like the members of staff, who are attentive and caring.
Staff implement effective procedures to encourage young children's independence and self-care. For instance, children use the toilet independently and wash their hands before meals. They have regard for their environment as they dispose of food packaging in the bin.
The management team supports staff's well-being and professional development effectively. They implement peer-on-peer observations of staff's interactions with children. This supports staff to improve their skills and abilities.
Staff benefit from training to support them in their different roles and responsibilities.Parents spoken to have high praise for the provision and staff. They all say that their children are keen to talk about their day.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their child protection responsibilities. For example, they know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children in their care.
The provider follows detailed systems for recruiting new staff and to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff assess risks effectively, and prepare activities, which are suitable and safe for children. They are deployed effectively and children are supervised well.
Staff implement rigorous systems to check a person's identity prior to accessing the premises. Children's awareness of keeping themselves safe is promoted well. They are reminded to apply sunscreen and top up their water bottles.