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Floreat Wandsworth is an exceptional school that provides pupils with a high-quality education full of rich and exciting experiences. This includes an inspiring and ambitious curriculum, as well as opportunities to develop more widely.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
The school has very high expectations for pupils' achievement and behaviour. These are shared and modelled by all staff.
This starts in the early years, where children make an excellent start. Pupils rise to meet these high expectations. They grow in confidence and achieve highly.
...Much of the school's work is underpinned by its focus on developing pupils' character. As a result, pupils take great pride in their school, and their behaviour is excellent. They work hard in lessons and confidently express their views and opinions.
Pupils are very well supported by caring adults. They know that the rules and routines of the school keep them safe and prepare them well for life beyond school. For example, each year group takes part in a 'Service-Learning Project.'
These include worthwhile activities such as planning an event for elderly residents in the local care home.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
At the heart of the school's success is its ambition for all to succeed and thrive. This is apparent from the start in the school's approach to curriculum design.
The curriculum is full of well-considered and meaningful experiences. In all subjects, it is designed with precision and includes opportunities to revisit learning. Reading, oracy and developing pupils' language feature throughout.
This ensures that pupils develop deep knowledge about every subject.
Leaders have invested in high-quality professional development for all adults. As a result, staff are knowledgeable about how to teach and deliver the intended curriculum expertly.
Teachers explain new learning clearly and in well-ordered steps. The school has robust systems for identifying the needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers are highly skilled at adapting activities for pupils with SEND when needed.
Staff use their subject knowledge effectively to provide clear models for pupils' learning. For example, in the early years, adults model key vocabulary, and children rehearse these words as they play and explore.
The tasks teachers set inspire pupils to think critically and to make links between subjects.
Pupils' attitudes to learning are remarkably positive. They are confident and knowledgeable. In history, for example, Year 1 pupils talk about similarities and differences in the local area over time and describe how they use photographs to help them.
Year 4 pupils build on this when they learn about the Romans in Britain, where they can explain how artefacts also help us to understand the past. Year 6 pupils understand the importance of both primary and secondary sources and discuss the purpose of learning about history. Similarly, in design and technology, Year 6 pupils bring together their learning in science and mathematics to design and successfully make a litter picker.
Staff deliver the school's phonics programme exceptionally well. They check pupils' understanding at each stage and address misconceptions quickly. This ensures that any pupils who are at risk of falling behind are swiftly identified and supported to catch up and keep up with their peers.
The school's sharp focus on reading means pupils quickly become confident and fluent readers. Their love for reading continues as they move through the school. They enjoy borrowing books from the library and recommending books to their peers.
At the heart of the school's exceptional wider development offer is its character development programme. This is introduced in the Nursery and reinforced throughout every pupil's time at the school. Pupils are taught the importance of valuing differences and treating others with respect.
They take on a range of roles and responsibilities in school such as house captains, head pupils and librarians. Pupils build skills for life and are well prepared for their next steps.
Educational visits have been carefully planned to enhance the curriculum.
Pupils visit a range of significant places, including museums, farms, historical buildings, art venues and places of worship. The curriculum for personal, social and health education is well sequenced. Pupils are taught the vocabulary they need to express their emotions.
They draw on their understanding of ancient civilisations and the modern world to debate and discuss the importance of democracy.
Clear structures ensure that the local strategic school board asks the right questions to provide both support and challenge. The trust pays close attention to the school's work and knows its strengths well.
It ensures that high standards are maintained. Collaborative arrangements within the trust have further strengthened the curriculum. Staff workload is thoughtfully considered.
Staff welcome the opportunities they have been given to develop their careers. Parents and carers are, rightly, full of praise for the school and the brilliant start in life that their children receive.