The Play Professionals at Floreat Wandsworth

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About The Play Professionals at Floreat Wandsworth

Name The Play Professionals at Floreat Wandsworth
Address Wandsworth Borough Council, Atheldene Centre, 305 Garratt Lane, London, SW18 4EQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are very welcoming, kind and caring in their approach. They keenly greet all children as they enthusiastically arrive from the nursery and school sites where the club is based. Key staff support the youngest children tremendously well, to help to support their emotional well-being as they settle.

When children first arrive, they listen to, and keenly follow the club routines. Staff are good role models. They frequently praise children for their achievements, such as when they make beaded bracelets and build forts with construction pieces.

Children have lots of fun at the club and consistently demonstrate very positiv...e behaviour. Staff plan lots of varied activities to help to promote children's enjoyment, and to meet their individual needs. This is demonstrated particularly well for children in the early years age range.

Staff positively interact with children and keenly join them in their play, such as when young children excitedly play shops, and look for pretend croissants. Older children concentrate as they carefully make snowflakes from folded paper. Staff keenly explain the art of origami.

Children benefit from a healthy light meal. Staff encourage all children to serve themselves a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables to help support their independence and self-help skills. Staff successfully support children's healthy food choices.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have high expectations for all children's behaviour and conduct, and they are very consistent in their approach. They organise the environment effectively to help to support children's emotional well-being. For example, staff provide a cosy area for all children to reflect on their emotions.

They include a quiet area for the youngest children to have a rest and look at books.Staff actively seek and value children's views, such as during circle time, to help to boost their confidence. For example, children excitedly raise their hands to express their wishes to play outdoors.

Staff plan many opportunities to promote children's physical exercise. Children have plenty of fresh air. For example, outdoors, children eagerly ride tricycles, jump from one stepping stone to another and they keenly build with large wooden blocks.

Staff are very positive in their praise to boost children's self-esteem.Staff provide a range of experiences to celebrate festivals and children's home experiences, such as Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake. Children find out about the diverse world that they live in.

They concentrate as they colour snake pictures with a range of coloured pencils. Staff plan opportunities for children to create paper snakes to help to promote their creativity.Overall, children are consistently engaged and they demonstrate their enjoyment.

However, there are some occasions when staff are not always effectively deployed indoors, to help to consistently engage and enhance children's enjoyment.Engagement with parents and teaching staff at the nursery and school is positive. For example, leaders frequently communicate with parents for a consistent approach.

Parents comment positively about the care of their children and the activities provided.Leaders have effective systems in place to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They confirm that they understand the importance of engaging with teaching staff and parents to make sure that all children's individual needs are always considered.

Leaders have a very good oversite of the organisation of the club. They frequently monitor the quality of practice to ensure that all children consistently receive high-quality, inclusive out-of-school care.Leaders provide an induction for all new staff, so that they can confidently fulfil their roles and responsibilities, this includes that they are safe to work with children.

They provide regular staff supervision meetings to value the views of staff. Staff say that their well-being is supported well, to help to promote a positive culture, and consistent approach.The highly qualified staff team frequently accesses a range of opportunities to help to enhance their skills and knowledge.

For example, some staff access introduction to play work training to help them to focus on supporting children's play and development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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