The Best Primary Schools
in DN19 7RN

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The Best Primary Schools Near DN19 7RN

These are the top primary and secondary schools near DN19 7RN ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near DN19 7RN in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Bricknell Primary School
Bricknell Avenue, Hull, HU5 4ET
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Bridgeview Special School
Pickering Road, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU4 7AD
Outstanding Academy (special) 5-12
Christopher Pickering Primary School
The Compass, 1 Burnham Road, Hull, HU4 7EB
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Clifton Primary School
Burslem Street, Hull, HU2 9BP
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Collingwood Primary School
Collingwood Street, Hull, HU3 1AW
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Craven Primary Academy
New Bridge Road, Hull, HU9 2DR
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Eastfield Primary School
791 Anlaby Road, Hull, HU4 6BB
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Ganton School
294 Anlaby Park Road South, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU4 7JB
Outstanding Academy (special) 2-19
Newington Academy
Dairycoates Avenue, Hull, HU3 5DD
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Ron Dearing UTC
Kingston Square, Hull, HU2 8BQ
Outstanding Academy 14-19
Thoresby Primary School
Thoresby Street, HU5 3RG
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Wyke Sixth Form College
Bricknell Avenue, Hull, HU5 4NT
Outstanding Sixth Form College 16-99
Acre Heads Primary School
Welbourn Walk, Norland Avenue, Hull, HU4 7ST
Good Primary 4-11
Adelaide Primary School
Walker Street, Hull, HU3 2RA
Good Academy 3-11
Ainthorpe Primary School
Ainthorpe Grove, Willerby Road, Hull, HU5 5EB
Good Academy 4-11
Alderman Cogan’s Church of England Primary Academy
Alderman Cogan Primary School, Whitworth Street, Hull, HU9 3HJ
Good Academy 3-11
All Saints Church of England Infant Academy
Northolme Road, Hessle, HU13 9JD
Good Academy 3-7
All Saints Church of England Junior Academy
Northolme Road, Hessle, HU13 9JD
Good Academy 7-11
Anlaby Primary School
First Lane, Anlaby, HULL, HU10 6UE
Good Primary 3-11
Appleton Primary School
Appleton Road, Hull, HU5 4PG
Good Academy 3-11
Barton St Peter’s CofE Primary School
Marsh Lane, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5HB
Good Primary 4-11
Baysgarth School
Barrow Road, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 6AE
Good Secondary 11-16
Buckingham Primary Academy
Buckingham Street, Hull, HU8 8UG
Good Academy 3-11
Chiltern Primary School
Chiltern Street, Hull, HU3 3PL
Good Academy 3-11
Estcourt Primary Academy
Estcourt Street, Hull, HU9 2RP
Good Academy 3-11
Francis Askew Primary School
North Road, Hull, HU4 6LQ
Good Academy 3-11
Hull College
Queen’s Gardens, Wilberforce Drive, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU1 3DG
Good Further Education 14-99
Hull Trinity House Academy
Beverley Road, Hull, HU3 1UP
Good Academy 11-16
Ings Primary School
Ings Primary School, Ings Road, Hull, HU8 0SL
Good Academy 3-11
John Harrison C of E Primary School
North Street, Barrow-upon-Humber, DN19 7AP
Good Primary 4-11
Kelvin Hall School
Bricknell Avenue, Hull, HU5 4QH
Good Academy 11-16
Malet Lambert
James Reckitt Avenue, Hull, HU8 0JD
Good Academy 11-16
Mersey Primary Academy
Derwent Street, Hull, HU8 8TX
Good Academy 3-11
Newland St John’s Church of England Academy
Beresford Avenue, Hull, HU6 7LS
Good Academy 4-11
Options Barton
Barrow Road, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 6DA
Good Independent (special) 8-19
Pearson Primary School
Leicester Street, Hull, HU3 1TB
Good Academy 3-11
Priory Primary School
Priory Road, Hull, HU5 5RU
Good Academy 3-11
Rokeby Park Primary School
Gershwin Avenue, Anlaby Park Road North, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU4 7NJ
Good Academy 3-11
Sidmouth Primary School
Sidmouth Street, Hull, HU5 2JY
Good Academy 3-11
Sirius Academy West
296 Anlaby Park Road South, Hull, HU4 7JB
Good Academy 11-18
Southcoates Primary Academy
Southcoates Lane, Hull, HU9 3TW
Good Academy 3-11
Springhead Primary School
Forty Steps, Anlaby, Hull, HU10 6TW
Good Primary 4-11
St Anne’s School and Sixth Form College
Boothferry Road, Hessle, HU13 9AR
Good Special 2-19
St Charles Voluntary Catholic Academy
Norfolk Street, Hull, HU2 9AA
Good Academy 3-11
St George’s Primary School
St George’s Road, Hull, HU3 6ED
Good Academy 3-11
St Nicholas Primary School
Cottingham Road, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU6 7RH
Good Academy 4-11
St Thomas More Voluntary Catholic Academy
St Thomas More Road, Hull, HU4 7NP
Good Academy 3-11
St Vincent’s Voluntary Catholic Academy
Queens Road, Hull, HU5 2QR
Good Academy 3-11
Stepney Primary School
Beverley Road, Hull, HU5 1JJ
Good Academy 3-11
Stoneferry Primary School
Stoneferry Road, Hull, HU7 0BA
Good Academy 3-11
Victoria Dock Primary School
South Bridge Road, Victoria Dock, Hull, HU9 1TL
Good Academy 3-11
Westcott Primary School
Westcott Street, Hull, HU8 8NB
Good Academy 5-11
Wheeler Primary School
Wheeler Street, Hull, HU3 5QE
Good Academy 3-11
Willerby Carr Lane Primary School
Carr Lane, Willerby, Hull, HU10 6JT
Good Primary 4-11
Wold Academy
Wold Road, Hull, HU5 5QG
Good Academy 2-11
Wolfreton School and Sixth Form College
Well Lane, Willerby, Hull, HU10 6HB
Good Academy 11-18
Woodland Primary School
Flinton Grove, Preston Road, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU9 5SN
Good Academy 3-11
Goxhill Primary School
Northend, Barrow-upon-Humber, DN19 7JR
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
New Holland Church of England and Methodist Primary School
School Lane, New Holland, Barrow-upon-Humber, DN19 7RN
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
Paisley Primary School
Paisley Street, Hull, HU3 6NJ
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
The Boulevard Academy
Massey Close, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU3 3QT
Requires improvement Academy 11-16
Froebel House School
5 Marlborough Avenue, Hull, HU5 3JP
Inadequate Independent 3-11

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