The Best Primary Schools
in SL4 4QF

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The Best Primary Schools Near SL4 4QF

These are the top primary and secondary schools near SL4 4QF ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near SL4 4QF in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Braywick Court School
Hibbert Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1UU
Outstanding Academy 2-11
Cranbourne Primary School
Lovel Road, Winkfield, Windsor, SL4 2EU
Outstanding Primary 5-11
Eden Girls’ School, Slough
183-187 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 4AA
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Furze Platt Junior School
Oaken Grove, Maidenhead, SL6 6HQ
Outstanding Primary 7-11
Herschel Grammar School
Northampton Avenue, Slough, SL1 3BW
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Montem Academy
Chalvey Grove, Slough, SL1 2TE
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Newlands Girls’ School
Farm Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5JB
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Oldfield Primary School
Bray Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1UE
Outstanding Primary 5-11
Ranelagh School
Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell, RG12 9DA
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Slough and Eton Church of England Business and Enterprise College
Ragstone Road, Slough, SL1 2PU
Outstanding Academy 11-18
St Luke’s CofE Primary School
Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG
Outstanding Academy 3-11
The Green Room School
4A Albert Street, Windsor, SL4 5BU
Outstanding Independent (special) 11-25
Alexander First School
Kenneally, Oakley Green, Windsor, SL4 4XP
Good Primary 3-9
Al-Madani Girls School
339 - 341 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 5PR
Good Independent 11-16
Al-Madani Independent Grammar School
1 Whittle Parkway, Slough, SL1 6FE
Good Independent 11-16
Altwood Church of England School
Altwood Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4PU
Good Academy 11-18
Alwyn Infant School
Mulberry Walk, Maidenhead, SL6 6EU
Good Primary 4-7
Arbour Vale School
Farnham Road, Farnham Royal, Slough, SL2 3AE
Good Academy (special) 2-19
Ascot Heath Primary School
Rhododendron Walk, New Road, Ascot, SL5 8PN
Good Primary 4-11
Baylis Court School
Gloucester Avenue, Slough, SL1 3AH
Good Academy 11-18
Boyne Hill CofE Infant and Nursery School
Rutland Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4HZ
Good Primary 3-7
Braywood CofE First School
Oakley Green Road, Oakley Green, Windsor, SL4 4QF
Good Primary 5-9
Burnham Grammar School
Hogfair Lane, Burnham, Slough, SL1 7HG
Good Academy 11-18
Cheapside CofE Primary School
Watersplash Lane, Cheapside, Ascot, SL5 7QJ
Good Primary 4-11
Cippenham School
Elmshott Lane, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5RB
Good Academy 4-11
Claycots School
Monksfield Way, Slough, SL2 1QX
Good Primary 3-11
Clewer Green CofE First School
Hatch Lane, Windsor, SL4 3RL
Good Academy 5-9
Courthouse Junior School
Blenheim Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5HE
Good Primary 7-11
Darul Madinah
50 Darvills Lane, slough, SL1 2PH
Good Independent (special) 4-11
Dedworth Green First School
Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Good Academy 3-9
Dedworth Middle School
Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Good Academy 9-13
Desborough College
Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2QB
Good Academy 11-18
Eton Porny CofE First School
14 High Street, Eton, Windsor, SL4 6AS
Good Academy 5-9
Eton Wick CofE First School
Sheepcote Road, Eton Wick, Windsor, SL4 6JB
Good Primary 3-9
Forest Bridge School
Braywick Road, Braywick Park, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN
Good Academy (special) 4-16
Furze Platt Infant School
Oaken Grove, Maidenhead, SL6 6HQ
Good Primary 4-7
Furze Platt Senior School
Furze Platt Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7NQ
Good Academy 11-18
Garth Hill College
Bull Lane, Bracknell, RG42 2AD
Good Secondary 11-18
Hilltop First School
Clewer Hill Road, Windsor, SL4 4DW
Good Primary 3-9
Holly Spring Primary School
Lily Hill Road, Bracknell, RG12 2SW
Good Primary 3-11
Holyport CofE Primary School
Stroud Farm Road, Holyport, Maidenhead, SL6 2LP
Good Academy 3-11
Holyport College
Ascot Road, Holyport, SL6 3LE
Good Academy 11-19
Homer First School and Nursery
Testwood Road, Windsor, SL4 5RL
Good Primary 3-9
Kennel Lane School
Kennel Lane, Bracknell, RG42 2EX
Good Academy (special) 3-19
Larchfield Primary and Nursery School
Bargeman Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2SG
Good Primary 3-11
Lent Rise School
Coulson Way, Burnham, Slough, SL1 7NP
Good Academy 3-11
Lowbrook Academy
The Fairway, Cox Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3AR
Good Academy 5-11
Lynch Hill School Primary Academy
Garrard Road, Slough, SL2 2AN
Good Academy 3-11
Meadowbrook Montessori School
Malt Hill, Warfield, Berkshire, RG42 6JQ
Good Independent 3-11
Oakfield First School
Imperial Road, WINDSOR, SL4 3RU
Good Academy 5-9
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Primary and Nursery School
Derwent Drive, Slough, SL1 6HW
Good Primary 3-11
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School
Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Good Primary 3-11
Phoenix Infant Academy
Warrington Avenue, Slough, SL1 3BQ
Good Academy 5-7
Priory School
Orchard Avenue, Slough, SL1 6HE
Good Primary 3-11
Queensmead House School
Kings Road, Windsor, SL4 2AX
Good Independent (special) 5-17
Riverside Primary School and Nursery
Donnington Gardens, Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7JA
Good Primary 3-11
Sandy Lane Primary School
Sandy Lane, Bracknell, RG12 2JG
Good Academy 3-11
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School
Farnham Road, Farnham Royal, Slough, SL2 3AA
Good Academy 3-11
St Edward’s Catholic First School
Parsonage Lane, Windsor, SL4 5EN
Good Primary 5-9
St Edward’s Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School, Windsor
Parsonage Lane, Windsor, SL4 5EN
Good Secondary 9-13
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Bracknell
Gipsy Lane, Bracknell Forest, RG12 9AP
Good Primary 3-11
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CofE Primary School
Church Road, Farnham Royal, SL2 3AW
Good Primary 3-11
St Nicolas’ Church of England Combined School
Rectory Road, Taplow, Maidenhead, SL6 0ET
Good Academy 4-11
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School
Minniecroft Road, Burnham, SL1 7DE
Good Primary 2-11
Taplow Manor School
Taplow Manor, Huntercombe Lane South, Maidenhead, SL6 0PQ
Good Independent (special) 12-18
The Brakenhale School
Rectory Lane, Bracknell, RG12 7BA
Good Academy 11-18
The Godolphin Junior Academy
Oatlands Drive, Slough, SL1 3HS
Good Academy 7-11
The Royal First School
The Great Park, Windsor, SL4 2HP
Good Primary 4-9
The Westgate School
Cippenham Lane, Slough, SL1 5AH
Good Academy 11-18
The Windsor Boys’ School
1 Maidenhead Road, Windsor, SL4 5EH
Good Academy 13-18
Trevelyan Middle School
Wood Close, Windsor, SL4 3LL
Good Academy 9-13
Trinity St Stephen CofE Aided First School
Vansittart Road, Windsor, SL4 5DF
Good Primary 5-9
Warfield Church of England Primary School
Sopwith Road, Bracknell, RG42 6BR
Good Primary 4-11
Western House Academy
Richards Way, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5TJ
Good Academy 3-11
Whitegrove Primary School
Westmorland Drive, Warfield, Bracknell, RG42 3QS
Good Primary 5-11
Winkfield St Mary’s CofE Primary School
Winkfield Row, Bracknell, RG42 6NH
Good Primary 5-11
Beechwood School
Long Readings Lane, Slough, SL2 1QE
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Cox Green School
Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 3AX
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Dorney School
Harcourt Close, Dorney Reach, Maidenhead, SL6 0DY
Requires improvement Academy 4-11
Eton Dorney Independent Therapeutic School
34 Lake End Road, Dorney, SL4 6QS
Requires improvement Independent (special) 8-18
St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School and Nursery
Altwood Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4PX
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Maidenhead
Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG
Requires improvement Academy 5-11
The Queen Anne Royal Free CofE Controlled First School
Chaucer Close, Windsor, SL4 3EH
Requires improvement Primary 4-9
Wessex Primary School
St Adrian’s Close, Cox Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3AT
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Windsor Girls’ School
Imperial Road, Windsor, SL4 3RT
Requires improvement Academy 13-18
All Saints Church of England Junior School
Westborough Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4AR
Inadequate Academy 7-11
Grove Academy
Ladbrooke Road, Slough, SL1 2SR
Inadequate Academy 4-19

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