The Best Secondary Schools
in Howe Green

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The Best Secondary Schools Near Howe Green

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Howe Green ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Howe Green in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Courthouse Green Primary School
Sewall Highway, Coventry, CV6 7JJ
Outstanding Academy 2-11
Kingsbury Academy
Kingsbury Road, Coventry, CV6 1PJ
Outstanding Academy (special) 3-11
President Kennedy School Academy
Rookery Lane, Coventry, CV6 4GL
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Sherbourne Fields School
Rowington Close, Coventry, CV6 1PR
Outstanding Special 5-19
The Canons C of E Primary School
Derwent Road, Bedworth, CV12 8RT
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Abbey CofE Infant School
Aston Road, Nuneaton, CV11 5EL
Good Primary 2-7
Alderman’s Green Primary School
Alderman’s Green Primary School, Aldermans Green Road, Coventry, CV2 1PP
Good Academy 3-11
Allesley Primary School
Antrim Close, Allesley, Coventry, CV5 9FY
Good Primary 3-11
Arc School Ansley
Ansley Lane, Nuneaton, CV10 9ND
Good Independent (special) 11-17
Arley Primary Academy
Gun Hill, New Arley, Coventry, CV7 8HB
Good Academy 3-11
Bournebrook CofE Primary School
Coventry Road, Fillongley, Coventry, CV7 8ET
Good Primary 3-11
Broad Heath Community Primary School
Hanford Close, Coventry, CV6 5DP
Good Primary 3-11
Camp Hill Primary School
Holly Stitches Road, Nuneaton, CV10 9QA
Good Academy 2-11
Cardinal Newman Catholic School
Sandpits Lane, Keresley, Coventry, CV6 2FR
Good Academy 11-18
Chilvers Coton Community Infant School
Fitton Street, Nuneaton, CV11 5RB
Good Primary 3-7
Christ The King Catholic Primary School
Scots Lane, Coundon, Coventry, CV6 2DJ
Good Academy 3-11
Corley Academy
Church Lane, Corley, Coventry, CV7 8AZ
Good Academy (special) 11-18
Coundon Primary School
Forfield Road, Coundon, Coventry, CV6 1FQ
Good Primary 3-11
Croft Junior School
Northumberland Avenue, Stockingford, Nuneaton, CV10 8ER
Good Primary 7-11
Discovery Academy
Vernons Lane, Nuneaton, CV11 5SS
Good Academy (special) 9-19
Eastern Green Junior School
Sutton Avenue, Coventry, CV5 7EG
Good Primary 7-11
Edgewick Community Primary School
Cross Road, Off Foleshill Road, Coventry, CV6 5GP
Good Primary 3-11
Exhall Cedars Infant School
Exhall Cedars Infant School, Trenance Road, Exhall, Coventry, CV7 9FJ
Good Primary 4-7
Exhall Grange Specialist School
Easter Way, Ash Green, Coventry, CV7 9HP
Good Special 4-19
Foxford Community School
Grange Road, Longford, Coventry, CV6 6BB
Good Academy 11-18
Galley Common Infant School
Plough Hill Road, Galley Common, Nuneaton, CV10 9NZ
Good Primary 4-7
Glendale Infant School
Skye Close, Nuneaton, CV10 7LW
Good Primary 4-7
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Spring Road, Foleshill, Coventry, CV6 7FN
Good Academy 3-11
Goodyers End Primary School
Bowling Green Lane, Bedworth, CV12 0HP
Good Primary 4-11
Grangehurst Primary School
Anderton Road, Longford, Coventry, CV6 6JN
Good Primary 4-11
Hill Farm Academy
Foster Road, Radford, Coventry, CV6 3BL
Good Academy 3-11
Holbrook Primary School
Gateside Road, Coventry, CV6 6FR
Good Primary 3-11
Hollyfast Primary School
Hollyfast Road, Coundon, Coventry, CV6 2AH
Good Primary 5-11
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary, Coventry, CV6 2GU
Good Primary 3-11
John Gulson Primary School
George Street, Coventry, CV1 4HB
Good Primary 3-11
John Shelton Community Primary School
Briscoe Road, Holbrooks, Coventry, CV6 4JP
Good Primary 2-11
Joseph Cash Primary School
Owenford Road, Radford, Coventry, CV6 3FS
Good Primary 2-11
Keresley Grange Primary School
Waste Lane, Coventry, CV6 2EH
Good Academy 4-11
Keresley Newland Primary Academy
Grove Lane, Keresley End, Coventry, CV7 8JZ
Good Academy 3-11
Longford Park Primary School
Windmill Road, Coventry, CV6 7AT
Good Primary 3-11
Michael Drayton Junior School
The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton, CV10 0SZ
Good Primary 7-11
Middlemarch School
College Street, Nuneaton, CV10 7BQ
Good Primary 7-11
Nathaniel Newton Infant School
Victoria Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton, CV10 0LS
Good Primary 4-7
Newdigate Primary and Nursery School
Anderton Road, Bedworth, CV12 0HA
Good Primary 2-11
Nursery Hill Primary School
Ansley Common, Nuneaton, CV10 0PY
Good Primary 3-11
Park Hill Primary School
Lower Eastern Green Lane, Eastern Green, Coventry, CV5 7LR
Good Primary 3-11
Park Lane Primary School
Park Lane, Nuneaton, CV10 8NL
Good Academy 2-11
Parkgate Primary School
Parkgate Road, Coventry, CV6 4GF
Good Academy 3-11
Queen’s Church of England Academy
Bentley Road, Nuneaton, CV11 5LR
Good Academy 7-11
Race Leys Junior School
Barton Road, Bedworth, CV12 8HG
Good Academy 7-11
Radford Primary Academy
Lawrence Saunders Road, Radford, Coventry, CV6 1HD
Good Academy 3-11
St Andrew’s Church of England Infant School
Church Lane, Eastern Green, Coventry, CV5 7BX
Good Primary 5-7
St Anne’s Catholic Academy
Camp Hill Drive, Nuneaton, CV10 0JX
Good Academy 3-11
St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School
Heathcote Street, Radford, Coventry, CV6 3BL
Good Academy 3-11
St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School
St Elizabeth’s Road, Foleshill, Coventry, CV6 5BX
Good Academy 3-11
St Francis Catholic Academy
Rye Piece Ringway, Bedworth, CV12 8JN
Good Academy 4-11
St Laurences CofE Primary School
Old Church Road, Coventry, CV6 7ED
Good Academy 5-11
St Paul’s CofE Primary School, Nuneaton
Wiclif Way, Stockingford, Nuneaton, CV10 8NH
Good Primary 3-11
St Thomas More Catholic School and Sixth Form College
Greenmoor Road, Nuneaton, CV10 7EX
Good Academy 11-18
Stanton Bridge Primary School
Oliver Street, Coventry, CV6 5TY
Good Academy 3-11
Stockingford Academy
Cross Street, Nuneaton, CV10 8JH
Good Academy 4-11
Stoke Heath Primary School
Heath Crescent, Coventry, CV2 4PR
Good Primary 2-11
Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane, Ash Green, Coventry, CV7 9HN
Good Primary 4-11
Ashcroft School
54 Hayes Lane, Exhall, Coventry, CV7 9BP
Requires improvement Independent (special) 11-16
Coundon Court
Northbrook Road, Coventry, CV6 2AJ
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Exhall Junior School
Hayes Lane, Exhall, Warwickshire, CV7 9NS
Requires improvement Primary 7-11
Frederick Bird Academy
Swan Lane, Coventry, CV2 4QQ
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
Hartshill Academy
Church Road, Nuneaton, CV10 0NA
Requires improvement Academy 11-16
Little Heath Primary School
Spring Road, Coventry, CV6 7FN
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Lyng Hall School
Blackberry Lane, Coventry, CV2 3JS
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Race Leys Infant School
Hurst Road, Bedworth, CV12 8AD
Requires improvement Primary 4-7
Whitmore Park Primary School
Halford Lane, Coventry, CV6 2HG
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
Arc School Old Arley
Ansley Lane, Old Arley, Nuneaton, CV7 8NU
Inadequate Independent (special) 7-16
Ash Green School
Ash Green Lane, Ash Green, Coventry, CV7 9AH
Inadequate Academy 11-18
Independent Educational Services - Central
Unit 4, Honor Built Works, 96 Central Avenue, Nuneaton, CV11 5BB
Inadequate Independent (special) 11-17
Nuneaton Academy
Radnor Drive, Nuneaton, CV10 7PD
Inadequate Academy 11-16
RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning
Wheelwright Lane, Coventry, CV7 9RA
Inadequate Special 4-19
Values Academy
Grove Road, Nuneaton, CV10 8JX
Inadequate Independent (special) 11-18

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