The Best Secondary Schools
in CV21 4PE

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The Best Secondary Schools Near CV21 4PE

These are the top primary and secondary schools near CV21 4PE ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near CV21 4PE in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Abbots Farm Junior School
Abbotts Way, Rugby, CV21 4AP
Outstanding Primary 7-11
Avon Park School
St John’s Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5HR
Outstanding Independent (special) 6-16
Clifton-upon-Dunsmore CofE Primary School
Station Road, Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, Rugby, CV23 0BT
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Eastlands Primary School
Lansdowne Place, Rugby, CV21 3RY
Outstanding Primary 5-11
Hillmorton Primary School
Watts Lane, Hillmorton, Rugby, CV21 4PE
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Lawrence Sheriff School
Clifton Road, Rugby, CV21 3AG
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Riverside Academy
Newbold Road, Newbold-on-Avon, Rugby, CV21 1EH
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Welton Church of England Academy
Well Lane, Welton, Daventry, NN11 2JZ
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Abbots Farm Infant School
Abbotts Way, Rugby, CV21 4AP
Good Primary 4-7
Barby Church of England Primary School
Daventry Road, Barby, Rugby, CV23 8TR
Good Academy 4-11
Bawnmore Community Infant School
Bawnmore Road, Rugby, CV22 6JS
Good Primary 4-7
Bilton CofE Junior School
Plantagenet Drive, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Good Primary 7-11
Boughton Leigh Infant School
Wetherall Way, Brownsover, Rugby, CV21 1LT
Good Primary 3-7
Boughton Leigh Junior School
Wetherell Way, Brownsover, Rugby, CV21 1LT
Good Primary 7-11
Braunston Church of England Primary School
Barby Road, Braunston, Daventry, NN11 7HF
Good Academy 4-11
Brownsover Community School
Webb Drive, Brownsover, Rugby, CV23 0UP
Good Primary 3-10
Crick Primary School
Main Road, Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TU
Good Primary 4-11
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School
High Street, Hillmorton, Rugby, CV21 4EE
Good Academy 4-11
Harris Church of England Academy
Harris Drive, Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6EA
Good Academy 11-16
Houlton School
Signal Drive, Houlton, RUGBY, CV23 1ED
Good Academy 11-18
Kilsby Church of England Primary School
Manor Road, Kilsby, Rugby, CV23 8XS
Good Academy 2-11
Northlands Primary School
Pinders Lane, Rugby, CV21 2SS
Good Primary 4-11
Oakfield Primary Academy
Oakfield Road, Rugby, CV22 6AU
Good Academy 3-11
Paddox Primary School
Fareham Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5HS
Good Primary 4-11
Quest Academy
Anderson Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5PE
Good Academy (special) 7-19
Rokeby Primary School
Anderson Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5PE
Good Academy 3-11
Rugby Free Primary School
Bailey Road, Central Park, Rugby, CV23 0PD
Good Academy 4-11
Rugby Free Secondary School
Anderson Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5PE
Good Academy 11-19
Rugby High School
Longrood Road, Rugby, CV22 7RE
Good Academy 11-18
St Andrew’s Benn CofE (Voluntary Aided) Primary School
Chester Street, Rugby, CV21 3NX
Good Primary 3-11
St Gabriel’s CofE Academy
Houlton Way, Houlton, Rugby, CV23 1AN
Good Academy 3-11
St Marie’s Catholic Primary School
Merttens Drive, Rugby, CV22 7AF
Good Academy 3-11
St Matthew’s Bloxam CofE Primary School
Webb Ellis Road, Rugby, CV22 7AU
Good Primary 4-11
St Oswald’s CofE Academy
Addison Road, Rugby, CV22 7DJ
Good Academy 3-11
Swinford Church of England Primary School
School Lane, Swinford, Lutterworth, LE17 6BG
Good Academy 4-11
The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College
Newbold Road, Newbold-on-Avon, Rugby, CV21 1EH
Good Secondary 11-16
Bilton Infant School
Magnet Lane, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 7NH
Requires improvement Primary 4-7
Willow Park School
Newbold-on-Avon Rfc, Parkfield Road, Rugby, CV21 1EZ
Requires improvement Independent (special) 5-11
Ashlawn School
Ashlawn Road, Hillmorton, Rugby, CV22 5ET
Inadequate Academy 11-18
Brooke School
Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6DY
Inadequate Academy (special) 4-19

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