The Best Schools
in RG4 9RH

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The Best Schools Near RG4 9RH

These are the top primary and secondary schools near RG4 9RH ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near RG4 9RH in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Addington School
Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, Reading, RG5 3EU
Outstanding Academy (special) 3-19
All Saints Junior School
August House, Brownlow Road, Reading, RG1 6NP
Outstanding Academy 7-11
Battle Primary Academy
Cranbury Road, Reading, RG30 2TD
Outstanding Academy 3-11
Birch Copse Primary School
Wittenham Avenue, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5LN
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Brookfields Special School
Sage Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6SW
Outstanding Special 3-19
Emmer Green Primary School
Grove Road, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8LN
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1PS
Outstanding Academy 11-16
Kendrick School
London Road, Reading, RG1 5BN
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Reading School
Erleigh Road, Reading, RG1 5LW
Outstanding Academy 11-18
South Lake Primary School
Campbell Road, Woodley, Reading, RG5 3NA
Outstanding Academy 3-11
St Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School
Western Avenue, Woodley, RG5 3BH
Outstanding Primary 4-11
The Heights Primary School
129 Upper Woodcote Road, Reading, RG4 7LB
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Alfred Sutton Primary School
148 Wokingham Road, Reading, RG6 1JR
Good Primary 3-11
All Saints Church of England Aided Infant School
Brownlow Road, Reading, RG1 6NP
Good Primary 5-7
Badgemore Primary School
Hop Gardens, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 2HL
Good Academy 4-11
Caversham Park Primary School
Queensway, Caversham Park Village, Reading, RG4 6RP
Good Primary 5-11
Caversham Primary School
Hemdean Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7RA
Good Primary 5-11
Checkendon Church of England (A) Primary School
Main Street, Checkendon, RG8 0SR
Good Primary 4-11
Churchend Primary Academy
Usk Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4HP
Good Academy 3-11
Civitas Academy
90a Great Knollys Street, Reading, RG1 7HL
Good Academy 4-11
Coley Primary School
Wolseley Street, Reading, RG1 6AZ
Good Primary 3-11
Denefield School
Long Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6XY
Good Academy 11-18
Downsway Primary School
Warbreck Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6FE
Good Primary 4-11
E P Collier Primary School
Ross Road, Reading, RG1 8DZ
Good Primary 3-11
English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School
Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4BE
Good Primary 3-11
Highdown School and Sixth Form Centre
Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8LR
Good Academy 11-18
Highwood Primary School
Fairwater Drive, Woodley, Reading, RG5 3JE
Good Primary 3-11
Katesgrove Primary School
Dorothy Street, Reading, RG1 2NL
Good Primary 3-11
Kidmore End Church of England Primary School
Chalkhouse Green Road, Kidmore End, Reading, RG4 9AU
Good Academy 4-11
King’s Academy Prospect
Cockney Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4EX
Good Academy 11-18
Little Heath School
Little Heath Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5TY
Good Secondary 11-18
Long Lane Primary School
Long Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6YG
Good Primary 4-11
Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge
Reades Lane, Sonning Common, Reading, RG4 9LN
Good Academy 11-16
Maiden Erlegh School in Reading
81 Crescent Road, Reading, RG1 5SL
Good Academy 11-16
Meadow Park Academy
Norcot Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 6BS
Good Academy 4-11
Micklands Primary School
Micklands Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 6LU
Good Primary 4-11
Moorlands Primary School
Church End Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4UN
Good Primary 4-11
Nettlebed Community School
High Street, Nettlebed, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5DA
Good Primary 3-11
New Town Primary School
School Terrace, Reading, RG1 3LS
Good Academy 3-11
Oxford Road Community School
146 Oxford Road, Reading, RG1 7PJ
Good Primary 3-11
Park Lane Primary School
School Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5BD
Good Primary 5-11
Peppard Church of England Primary School
Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU
Good Primary 4-11
Purley CofE Primary School
Purley Village, Purley-on-Thames, Reading, RG8 8AF
Good Primary 3-11
Ranikhet Academy
Spey Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4ED
Good Academy 3-11
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Henley-on-Thames
Greys Hill, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1SL
Good Primary 4-11
Shiplake Church of England School
Memorial Avenue, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 4DN
Good Primary 4-11
Sonning Church of England Primary School
Liguge Way, Sonning, Reading, RG4 6XF
Good Academy 4-11
Sonning Common Primary School
Grove Road, Sonning Common, Reading, RG4 9RJ
Good Primary 4-11
Springfield Primary School
Barton Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5NJ
Good Primary 3-11
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Washington Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5AA
Good Primary 2-11
St John’s Church of England Primary School
121-147 Orts Road, Reading, RG1 3JN
Good Academy 3-11
St Martin’s Catholic Primary School
Pendennis Avenue, Caversham Park Village, Reading, RG4 6SS
Good Primary 4-11
St Michael’s Primary School
Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4AS
Good Primary 5-11
St Paul’s Catholic Primary School
City Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 4SZ
Good Primary 4-11
Stoke Row CofE Primary School
School Lane, Nr. Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5QS
Good Primary 4-11
Thames Valley School
2 Conwy Close, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4BZ
Good Academy (special) 4-16
Thameside Primary School
Harley Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8DB
Good Primary 5-11
The Avenue Special School
The Avenue Centre, Conwy Close, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4BZ
Good Academy (special) 2-19
The Bulmershe School
Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, Reading, RG5 3EU
Good Academy 11-18
The Deenway Montessori School
3-5 Sidmouth Street, Reading, RG1 4QZ
Good Independent 3-16
The Henley College
Deanfield Avenue, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1UH
Good Sixth Form College 16-99
The Hill Primary School
Peppard Road, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8TU
Good Primary 4-11
Trinity Church of England Primary School
Vicarage Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1HJ
Good Primary 4-11
UTC Reading
Crescent Road, East Reading, RG1 5RQ
Good Academy 14-19
Valley Road School
Valley Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1RR
Good Primary 4-11
Westwood Farm Infant School
Fullbrook Crescent, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6RY
Good Primary 3-7
Westwood Farm Junior School
Fullbrook Crescent, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6RY
Good Primary 7-11
Wilson Primary School
Wilson Road, Reading, RG30 2RW
Good Primary 3-11
Beechwood Primary School
Ambleside Close, Woodley, Reading, RG5 4JJ
Requires improvement Academy 4-11
Redlands Primary School
Lydford Road, Reading, RG1 5QH
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
The WREN School
61-63 Bath Road, Reading, RG30 2BB
Requires improvement Academy 11-19
Bishopswood School
Grove Road, Sonning Common, Reading, RG4 9RH
Inadequate Academy (special) 2-16

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