The Best Schools
in MK45 4LT

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The Best Schools Near MK45 4LT

These are the top primary and secondary schools near MK45 4LT ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near MK45 4LT in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Gravenhurst Academy
High Street, Gravenhurst, Bedford, MK45 4HY
Outstanding Academy 5-9
Woodlands Secondary School
Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3SP
Outstanding Special 11-18
Alameda Middle School
Station Road, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2QR
Good Academy 9-13
Arnold Academy
Hexton Road, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford, MK45 4JZ
Good Academy 9-13
Bramingham Primary School
Freeman Avenue, Luton, LU3 4BL
Good Primary 4-11
Bushmead Primary & Nursery School
Bushmead Road, Luton, LU2 7EU
Good Primary 2-11
Campton Academy
Rectory Road, Campton, Shefford, SG17 5PF
Good Academy 5-9
Cardinal Newman Catholic School A Specialist Science College
Warden Hill Road, Luton, LU2 7AE
Good Academy 11-18
Chalton Lower School
Luton Road, Chalton, Luton, LU4 9UJ
Good Primary 4-9
Flitwick Lower School
Temple Way, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1LU
Good Primary 2-9
Greenfield CofE VC Lower School
Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, MK45 5ES
Good Academy 2-9
Harlington Lower School
Westoning Road, Harlington, Dunstable, LU5 6PD
Good Academy 4-9
Harlington Upper School
Goswell End Road, Harlington, Dunstable, LU5 6NX
Good Academy 13-18
Hexton Junior Mixed and Infant School
Hexton, Hitchin, SG5 3JL
Good Primary 4-11
Icknield High School
Riddy Lane, Luton, LU3 2AH
Good Academy 11-16
Icknield Primary School
Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2JB
Good Primary 4-11
Kingsmoor Lower School
Kingsmoor Close, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1EY
Good Primary 2-9
Lealands High School
Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3AL
Good Secondary 11-16
Maulden Lower School
Church Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AU
Good Primary 2-9
Meppershall Church of England Academy
107 High Street, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LZ
Good Academy 4-11
Parklea Primary School
Cranbrook Drive, Sundon Park, Luton, LU3 3EW
Good Primary 4-11
Pirton Hill Primary School
Butely Road, Luton, LU4 9EX
Good Primary 4-11
Putteridge High School
Putteridge Road, Luton, LU2 8HJ
Good Academy 11-16
Putteridge Primary School
Putteridge Road, Luton, LU2 8HJ
Good Primary 4-11
Ramsey Manor Lower School
Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford, MK45 4NS
Good Academy 4-9
Redborne Upper School and Community College
Flitwick Road, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2NU
Good Academy 13-18
Russell Lower School
Queens Road, Ampthill, MK45 2TD
Good Primary 5-9
Shefford Lower School
School Lane, Shefford, SG17 5XA
Good Primary 3-9
Shillington Lower School
Greenfields, Shillington, Hitchin, SG5 3NX
Good Primary 2-9
Silsoe CofE VC Lower School
Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4GP
Good Primary 4-9
St Mary’s VA CofE Lower School
High Street, Clophill, MK45 4BE
Good Primary 2-9
Sundon Lower School
Streatley Road, Upper Sundon, Luton, LU3 3PQ
Good Academy 3-9
Templefield Lower School
Malham Close, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1AJ
Good Primary 2-9
The Chiltern School
Parkside Drive, Dunstable, LU5 5PX
Good Special 3-19
The Firs Lower School
Station Road, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2QR
Good Academy 2-9
The Meads Primary School
Sawtry Close, Luton, LU3 2UE
Good Primary 4-11
Warden Hill Junior School
Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2DN
Good Primary 7-11
Waulud Primary School
Wauluds Bank Drive, Luton, LU3 3LZ
Good Primary 3-11
Westoning Lower School
High Street, Westoning, Bedford, MK45 5JH
Good Academy 2-9
Whitefield Primary Academy
Stockholm Way, Luton, LU3 3SS
Good Academy 3-11
Woodland Middle School Academy
Malham Close, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1NP
Good Academy 9-13
Warden Hill Infant School
Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2DN
Requires improvement Primary 4-7
Lea Manor High School Performing Arts College
Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3TL
Inadequate Academy 11-16

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