The Best Primary Schools
in DE55 7AL

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The Best Primary Schools Near DE55 7AL

These are the top primary and secondary schools near DE55 7AL ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near DE55 7AL in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
John King Infant Academy
Church Street West, Pinxton, NG16 6NB
Outstanding Academy 5-7
Longwood Infant Academy
Wharf Road, Nottingham, NG16 6PA
Outstanding Academy 5-7
Swanwick School and Sports College
Hayes Lane, Swanwick, Alfreton, DE55 1AR
Outstanding Special 5-16
The Green Flying High Academy
13 New Street, South Normanton, Alfreton, DE55 2BS
Outstanding Academy 4-7
Aldercar High School
Daltons Close, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4HL
Good Academy 11-18
Aldercar Infant School
Godkin Drive, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4GL
Good Academy 2-7
Alfreton Park Community Special School
Alfreton Park, Wingfield Road, Alfreton, DE55 7AL
Good Special 2-19
Blackwell Community Primary and Nursery School
Primrose Hill, Blackwell, Alfreton, DE55 5JG
Good Primary 3-11
Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy
Firs Avenue, Alfreton, DE55 7EN
Good Academy 3-11
Codnor Community Primary School Church of England Controlled
Whitegates, Codnor, Ripley, DE5 9QD
Good Primary 3-11
Copthorne Community Infant School
Rodgers Lane, Alfreton, DE55 7FF
Good Primary 5-7
Croft Infant School
Marshall Street, Alfreton, DE55 7BW
Good Primary 5-7
David Nieper Academy
Grange Street, Alfreton, DE55 7JA
Good Academy 11-18
Frederick Gent School
Mansfield Road, South Normanton, Alfreton, DE55 2ER
Good Academy 11-16
Fritchley CofE (Aided) Primary & Nursery School
Church Street, Fritchley, Belper, DE56 2FQ
Good Primary 3-11
Glebe Junior School
Hamlet Lane, South Normanton, Alfreton, DE55 2JB
Good Primary 7-11
Heage Primary School
School Lane, Heage, Belper, DE56 2AL
Good Primary 4-11
Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School
Victoria Street, Ironville, NG16 5NB
Good Academy 4-11
Kirkstead Junior Academy
Kirkstead Road, Pinxton, NG16 6NA
Good Academy 7-11
Leys Junior School
Flowery Leys Lane, Alfreton, DE55 7HA
Good Primary 7-11
Newton Primary School
Hall Lane, Newton, Alfreton, DE55 5TL
Good Primary 4-11
Pilsley Primary School
Station Road, Pilsley, Chesterfield, S45 8EU
Good Primary 3-11
Riddings Infant and Nursery School
West Street, Riddings, Alfreton, DE55 4EW
Good Primary 3-7
Riddings Junior School
Church Street, Riddings, Alfreton, DE55 4BW
Good Academy 7-11
Ripley Infant School
Kirk Close, Off Highfield Way, Ripley, DE5 3RY
Good Primary 4-7
Ripley Junior School
Poplar Avenue, Ripley, DE5 3PN
Good Primary 7-11
Ripley St John’s Church of England Primary School and Nursery
Dannah Street, Ripley, DE5 3BD
Good Primary 3-11
Sharley Park Community Primary School
Sharley Park Community Primary School, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S45 9BN
Good Primary 5-11
Shirland Primary School
Park Lane, Shirland, Alfreton, DE55 6BH
Good Academy 5-11
Somercotes Infant and Nursery School
Nottingham Road, Somercotes, Alfreton, DE55 4LY
Good Academy 3-7
Somerlea Park Junior School
Bank Street, Somercotes, Alfreton, DE55 4JE
Good Academy 7-11
St John’s CofE Primary School and Nursery
Laund Nook, Belper, DE56 1GY
Good Primary 3-11
Stonebroom Primary and Nursery School
High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, DE55 6JY
Good Academy 3-11
Street Lane Primary School
Street Lane, Denby, Ripley, DE5 8NE
Good Academy 4-11
Stretton Handley Church of England Primary School
Beresford Lane, Woolley Moor, Alfreton, DE55 6FH
Good Primary 4-11
Swanwick Hall School
Derby Road, Swanwick, Alfreton, DE55 1AE
Good Academy 11-18
The Brigg Infant School
39 South Street, South Normanton, Alfreton, DE55 2DA
Good Primary 5-7
The Ripley Academy
Peasehill, Ripley, DE5 3JQ
Good Academy 11-18
Tibshelf Community School
Doe Hill Lane, Tibshelf, Alfreton, DE55 5LZ
Good Secondary 11-16
Tibshelf Infant School
144 High Street, Tibshelf, Alfreton, DE55 5PP
Good Primary 3-7
Town End Junior School
Alfreton Road, Tibshelf, Alfreton, DE55 5PB
Good Primary 7-11
Waingroves Primary School
Waingroves Road, Ripley, DE5 9TD
Good Academy 4-11
Wessington Primary School
The Green, Wessington, Alfreton, DE55 6DQ
Good Primary 3-11
Westhouses Primary School
Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, DE55 5AF
Good Primary 4-11
Westwood Infant and Nursery School
Palmerston Street, Westwood, Nottingham, NG16 5JA
Good Primary 2-7
Woodbridge Junior School
Grange Street, Alfreton, DE55 7JA
Good Primary 7-11
Belper School and Sixth Form Centre
John O’Gaunts Way, Belper, DE56 0DA
Requires improvement Secondary 11-18
Jacksdale Primary and Nursery School
Main Road, Jacksdale, Nottingham, NG16 5JU
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
Lons Infant School
Tavistock Avenue, Ripley, DE5 3SE
Requires improvement Primary 4-7
Mickley Village Primary & Nursery School
Milton Avenue, Stretton, Alfreton, DE55 6GG
Requires improvement Primary 3-8
Morton Primary Academy
Main Road, Morton, Alfreton, DE55 6HH
Requires improvement Academy 5-11
Pottery Primary School
Kilbourne Road, Belper, DE56 1HA
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
South Wingfield Primary School
Church Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton, DE55 7NJ
Requires improvement Primary 5-11
Swanwick Primary School
South Street, Swanwick, Alfreton, DE55 1BZ
Requires improvement Primary 4-11

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