The Best Secondary Schools
in RH17 6HS

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The Best Secondary Schools Near RH17 6HS

These are the top primary and secondary schools near RH17 6HS ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near RH17 6HS in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Blackthorns Community Primary Academy
3 Blackthorns Close, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2UA
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Hazelwick School
Hazelwick School Close, Three Bridges, Crawley, RH10 1SX
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Lindfield Primary Academy
School Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2DX
Outstanding Academy 5-11
Manor Green Primary School
Lady Margaret Road, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0DU
Outstanding Special 2-11
Atelier21 Future School
Broadfield Park, Brighton Road, Crawley, RH11 9RZ
Good Independent 4-16
Balcombe Cofe Primary School
London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, RH17 6HS
Good Academy 4-11
Brantridge School
Staplefield Place, Staplefield, Haywards Heath, RH17 6EQ
Good Academy (special) 6-11
Broadfield Primary Academy
Vulcan Close, Broadfield, Crawley, RH11 9PD
Good Academy 3-11
Brook Infant School and Nursery
Salterns Road, Maidenbower, Crawley, RH10 7JE
Good Primary 2-7
Crawley Down Village CofE School
Hophurst Drive, Crawley Down, Crawley, RH10 4XA
Good Academy 4-11
Desmond Anderson Primary Academy
Anderson Road, Tilgate, Crawley, RH10 5EA
Good Academy 2-11
Gossops Green Primary
Kidborough Road, Gossops Green, Crawley, RH11 8HW
Good Academy 4-11
Handcross Primary School
London Road, Handcross, Haywards Heath, RH17 6HB
Good Primary 2-11
Harlands Primary School
Penland Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1PJ
Good Academy 4-11
Hilltop Primary School
Ditchling Hill, Southgate West, Crawley, RH11 8QL
Good Academy 3-11
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Cuckfield
Glebe Road, Haywards Heath, RH17 5BQ
Good Academy 4-11
Holy Trinity CofE Secondary School, Crawley
Buckswood Drive, Gossops Green, Crawley, RH11 8JE
Good Secondary 11-18
Ifield Community College
Crawley Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0DB
Good Secondary 11-18
Langley Green Primary
Stagelands, Crawley, RH11 7PF
Good Primary 3-11
Maidenbower Junior School
Harvest Road, Maidenbower, Crawley, RH10 7RA
Good Primary 7-11
Manor Green College
Lady Margaret Road, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0DX
Good Special 11-19
Milton Mount Primary School
Grattons Drive, Pound Hill, Crawley, RH10 3AG
Good Academy 4-11
Northgate Primary School
Green Lane, Northgate, Crawley, RH10 8DX
Good Primary 3-11
Northlands Wood Primary Academy
Beech Hill, Haywards Heath, RH16 3RX
Good Academy 4-11
Oathall Community College
Appledore Gardens, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2AQ
Good Secondary 11-16
Oriel High School
Matthews Drive, Maidenbower, Crawley, RH10 7XW
Good Secondary 11-18
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School
Hare Lane, Langley Green, Crawley, RH11 7PZ
Good Academy 4-11
Philpots Manor School
West Hoathly, RH19 4PR
Good Independent (special) 7-19
Pound Hill Infant Academy
Crawley Lane, Pound Hill, Crawley, RH10 7EB
Good Academy 4-7
Pound Hill Junior School, Crawley
Crawley Lane, Pound Hill, Crawley, RH10 7EB
Good Primary 7-11
Serenity School Crawley
Atlantic House, Hazelwick Avenue, Crawley, RH10 1QQ
Good Independent (special) 5-18
Seymour Primary School
Seymour Road, Broadfield, Crawley, RH11 9ES
Good Academy 3-11
Southgate Primary
Barrington Road, Southgate, Crawley, RH10 6DG
Good Academy 4-11
St Andrew’s CofE Primary School
Weald Drive, Furnace Green, Crawley, RH10 6NU
Good Primary 4-11
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Crawley
Southgate Drive, Crawley, RH10 6HD
Good Primary 4-11
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Hazelgrove Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3PQ
Good Academy 4-11
St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School
The Mardens, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0AQ
Good Academy 4-11
St Peter’s CofE Primary School
Holmans, Street Lane, Haywards Heath, RH17 6UQ
Good Primary 4-11
St Wilfrid’s Catholic Comprehensive School, Crawley
St Wilfrid’s Way, Crawley, RH11 8PG
Good Secondary 11-18
St Wilfrid’s CofE Primary School
Eastern Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3NL
Good Academy 4-11
St. Mark’s CofE Primary School
Brantridge Lane, Staplefield, Haywards Heath, RH17 6EN
Good Primary 4-11
The Mill Primary Academy
Ifield Drive, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0EL
Good Academy 4-11
The Oaks Primary School & Nursery
Loppets Road, Tilgate, Crawley, RH10 5DP
Good Academy 4-11
Thomas Bennett Community College
Ashdown Drive, Tilgate, Crawley, RH10 5AD
Good Academy 11-18
Turners Hill CofE Primary School
Church Road, Turners Hill, Crawley, RH10 4PA
Good Primary 2-11
Warden Park Primary Academy
New England Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3JR
Good Academy 2-11
Warden Park Secondary Academy
Broad Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, RH17 5DP
Good Academy 11-16
West Green Primary School
West Green Drive, Crawley, RH11 7EL
Good Primary 4-11
Woodgate Primary Academy
41 Bellevue Farm Road, Pease Pottage, Crawley, RH11 9GT
Good Academy 2-11
Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery
Harvest Road, Maidenbower, Crawley, RH10 7RA
Requires improvement Primary 3-7
Three Bridges Primary School
Gales Place, Three Bridges, Crawley, RH10 1QG
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
Discovery New School
Broadfield House, Crawley, RH11 9RZ
Inadequate Academy 4-11

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