The Best Primary Schools
in Crown East

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The Best Primary Schools Near Crown East

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Crown East ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Crown East in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Claines CofE Primary School
School Bank, Claines, Worcester, WR3 7RW
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Grimley and Holt CofE Primary School
Grimley, Worcester, WR2 6LU
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Northwick Manor Primary School
Northwick Road, Worcester, WR3 7EA
Outstanding Academy 5-11
Pitmaston Primary School
Malvern Road, Worcester, WR2 4ZF
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Powick CofE Primary School
42 Malvern Road, Powick, Worcester, WR2 4RT
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Bishop Perowne CofE College
Merriman’s Hill Road, Worcester, WR3 8LE
Good Academy 11-16
Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College
Timberdine Avenue, Worcester, WR5 2XD
Good Secondary 11-16
Broadheath CofE Primary School
Sailor’s Bank, Lower Broadheath, Worcester, WR2 6QT
Good Academy 2-11
Broadwas CofE Aided Primary School
Broadwas, Worcester, WR6 5NE
Good Primary 4-11
Callow End CofE Primary School
Upton Road, Worcester, WR2 4TE
Good Academy 2-11
Cherry Orchard Primary School
Timberdine Close, Worcester, WR5 2DD
Good Academy 3-11
Christopher Whitehead Language College
Bromwich Road, St John’s, Worcester, WR2 4AF
Good Academy 11-18
Dyson Perrins CofE Academy
Yates Hay Road, Malvern, WR14 1WD
Good Academy 11-16
Fort Royal
Wyld’s Lane, Worcester, WR5 1DR
Good Special 2-11
Hallow CofE Primary School
Main Road, Hallow, Worcester, WR2 6LD
Good Primary 4-11
Hollymount School
Hollymount Road, Worcester, WR4 9SG
Good Academy 2-11
Honeywell Primary School
Tudor Way, Worcester, WR2 5QH
Good Academy 4-11
Kempsey Primary School
Ellsdon, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3NT
Good Academy 5-11
Leigh and Bransford Primary School
Hoopers Close, Leigh Sinton, Malvern, WR13 5DX
Good Academy 4-11
Madresfield CofE Primary School
40 Madresfield Village, Madresfield, Malvern, WR13 5AA
Good Academy 5-11
Martley CofE Primary School
Martley, Worcester, WR6 6QA
Good Academy 2-11
Newbridge School
Midland Road, Worcester, WR5 1DS
Good Academy 11-16
North Worcester Primary School
John Comyn Drive, Worcester, WR3 7NS
Good Academy 3-11
Northleigh CofE Primary School
St. Peters Road, Cowleigh Bank, Malvern, WR14 1QS
Good Academy 2-11
Oldbury Park Primary School
Oldbury Road, Worcester, WR2 6AA
Good Academy 5-11
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary
Bransford Road, St John’s, Worcester, WR2 4EN
Good Academy 4-11
Our Place School
The Orchard, Bransford, WR6 5JE
Good Independent (special) 8-18
Red Hill CofE Primary School
Midhurst Close, Worcester, WR5 2HX
Good Primary 4-11
Riversides School
Thorneloe Road, Barbourne, Worcester, WR1 3HZ
Good Academy (special) 7-16
Somers Park Primary School
Somers Park Avenue, Malvern, WR14 1SE
Good Academy 2-11
St Barnabas CofE Primary School
Green Lane, Worcester, WR3 8NZ
Good Primary 4-11
St Clement’s CofE Primary
Henwick Road, Worcester, WR2 5NS
Good Academy 2-11
St George’s Catholic Primary School
Thorneloe Walk, Barbourne, Worcester, WR1 3JY
Good Academy 5-11
St George’s CofE Primary School
St George’s Lane North, Worcester, WR1 1RD
Good Primary 4-11
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Newtown Road, Malvern, WR14 1PF
Good Primary 4-11
St Matthias Church of England Primary School
Cromwell Road, Malvern Link, WR14 1NA
Good Academy 3-11
The Chantry School
Martley, Worcester, WR6 6QA
Good Academy 11-16
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester
Bilford Road, Worcester, WR3 8HN
Good Academy 11-18
Tudor Grange Primary Academy Perdiswell
Bilford Road, Worcester, WR3 8QA
Good Academy 4-11
Worcester College of Technology
Deansway, Worcester, WR1 2JF
Good Further Education 16-99
Stanley Road Primary School
Stanley Road, Worcester, WR5 1BD
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
Rushwick CofE Primary School
Upper Wick Lane, Rushwick, Worcester, WR2 5SU
Inadequate Academy 4-11

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