The Best Primary Schools
in CB3 0QH

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The Best Primary Schools Near CB3 0QH

These are the top primary and secondary schools near CB3 0QH ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near CB3 0QH in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Chesterton Community College
Gilbert Road, Cambridge, CB4 3NY
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Comberton Village College
West Street, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DU
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Hills Road Sixth Form College
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PE
Outstanding Sixth Form College 16-19
Histon and Impington Brook Primary School
The Green, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9JA
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Histon and Impington Park Primary School
Glebe Way, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9AQ
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Parkside Community College
Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH
Outstanding Academy 11-19
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EN
Outstanding Academy 4-11
The Cavendish School
Park Drive, Impington, CB24 9LY
Outstanding Academy (special) 7-18
University of Cambridge Primary School
Eddington Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0QZ
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Arbury Primary School
Carlton Way, Cambridge, CB4 2DE
Good Primary 5-11
Bar Hill Community Primary School
Gladeside, Bar Hill, Cambridge, CB23 8DY
Good Academy 4-11
Barton CofE VA Primary School
School Lane, Barton, Cambridge, CB23 7BD
Good Primary 4-11
Cambridge Regional College
Science Park Campus, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2QT
Good Further Education 14-99
Chesterton Primary School
Green End Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, CB4 1RW
Good Academy 4-11
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Road, Cambridge, CB1 3RJ
Good Academy 11-16
Cottenham Primary School
Lambs Lane, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8TA
Good Primary 5-11
Cottenham Village College
High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8UA
Good Academy 11-16
Dry Drayton CofE (C) Primary School
Park Street, Dry Drayton, Cambridge, CB23 8DA
Good Primary 4-11
Girton Glebe Primary School
Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge, CB3 0PN
Good Academy 5-11
Hardwick and Cambourne Community Primary School
Limes Road, Hardwick, Cambridge, CB23 7RE
Good Primary 4-11
Hatton Park Primary School
Hatton’s Park, Cambridge, CB24 3DL
Good Academy 4-11
Hope Tree School
Nursery House, Manor Farm, Cambridgeshire, CB24 9NG
Good Independent (special) 7-16
Impington Village College
New Road, Impington, Cambridge, CB24 9LX
Good Academy 11-18
Kings Hedges Primary School
Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, CB4 2HU
Good Primary 4-11
Long Road Sixth Form College
Long Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PX
Good Academy 16-99
Mayfield Primary School
Warwick Road, Cambridge, CB4 3HN
Good Primary 4-11
Milton Church of England Primary School
Humphries Way, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DL
Good Academy 5-11
Milton Road Primary School
Ascham Road, Cambridge, CB4 2BD
Good Primary 5-11
Morley Memorial Primary School
Blinco Grove, Cambridge, CB1 7TX
Good Primary 4-11
Newnham Croft Primary School
Chedworth Street, Cambridge, CB3 9JF
Good Primary 4-11
North Cambridge Academy
Arbury Road, Kings Hedges, Cambridge, CB4 2JF
Good Academy 11-16
Northstowe Learning Community
Stirling Road, Northstowe, Cambridge, CB24 1DJ
Good Academy 4-19
Oakington CofE Primary School
Water Lane, Oakington, Cambridge, CB24 3AL
Good Academy 5-11
Orchard Park Community Primary School
Ringfort Road, Orchard Park, Cambridge, CB4 2GR
Good Primary 3-11
Park Street CofE Primary School
Lower Park Street, Cambridge, CB5 8AR
Good Primary 4-11
Pathfinder CofE Primary School
Pathfinder Way, Cambridge, CB24 3DS
Good Academy 2-11
Queen Edith Primary School
Godwin Way, Cambridge, CB1 8QP
Good Primary 4-11
Ridgefield Primary School
Radegund Road, Cambridge, CB1 3RL
Good Primary 4-11
Shirley Community Primary School
Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, CB4 1TF
Good Primary 4-11
St Laurence Catholic Primary School
Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JX
Good Academy 4-11
St Matthew’s Primary School
19 Norfolk Street, Cambridge, CB1 2LD
Good Primary 3-11
St Pauls CofE VA Primary School
Coronation Street, Cambridge, CB2 1HJ
Good Primary 4-11
St Philip’s CofE Aided Primary School
2 Vinery Way, Cambridge, CB1 3DR
Good Primary 4-11
The Centre School
High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8UA
Good Academy (special) 11-19
The Grove Primary School
Campkin Road, Cambridge, CB4 2NB
Good Primary 4-11
The Martin Bacon Academy
Stirling Road, Northstowe, CB24 1DH
Good Academy (special) 3-19
Trumpington Community College
Lime Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 9FD
Good Academy 11-16
Willingham Primary School
Thodays Close, Willingham, Cambridge, CB24 5LE
Good Primary 4-11
Castle School, Cambridge
Courtney Way, Cambridge, CB4 2EE
Requires improvement Special 2-19
Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School
Whitwell Way, Coton, Cambridge, CB23 7PW
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Meridian Primary School
Harbour Avenue, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DD
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Over Primary School
Long Furlong, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5PG
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
St Luke’s CofE Primary School
Frenchs Road, Cambridge, CB4 3JZ
Requires improvement Academy 4-11

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