The Best Primary Schools
in LN6 9AX

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The Best Primary Schools Near LN6 9AX

These are the top primary and secondary schools near LN6 9AX ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near LN6 9AX in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Fortuna School
Kingsdown Road, Doddington Park, Lincoln, LN6 0FB
Outstanding Special 4-11
Ling Moor Primary Academy
Richmond Drive, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 8QZ
Outstanding Academy 4-11
The Lincoln St Peter at Gowts Church of England Primary School
Pennell Street, LINCOLN, LN5 7TA
Outstanding Primary 2-11
The St Francis Special School, Lincoln
Wickenby Crescent, Ermine Estate, Lincoln, LN1 3TJ
Outstanding Special 2-19
Waddington All Saints Academy
Mere Road, Waddington, Lincoln, LN5 9NX
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Witham St Hughs Academy
Muntjac Way, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln, LN6 9WF
Outstanding Academy 4-11
Acorn Free School
248 Calder Road, Brant Road, Lincoln, LN5 9TL
Good Academy 11-16
Athena School
South Park, Lincoln, LN5 8EL
Good Special 11-16
Bassingham Primary School
Lincoln Road, Bassingham, Lincoln, LN5 9HQ
Good Academy 4-11
Bracebridge Heath St John’s Primary Academy
Grantham Road, Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln, LN4 2LD
Good Academy 4-11
Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School
Francis Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln, LN5 8QG
Good Academy 3-7
Ermine Primary Academy
Redbourne Drive, Lincoln, LN2 2HG
Good Academy 3-11
Fosse Way Academy
Ash Grove, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 8DU
Good Academy 3-11
Leslie Manser Primary School
Kingsdown Road, Doddington Park, Lincoln, LN6 0FB
Good Primary 4-11
Lincoln Birchwood Junior School
Larchwood Crescent, Lincoln, LN6 0NL
Good Primary 7-11
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School
Wragby Road, Lincoln, LN2 4PN
Good Academy 11-18
Lincoln College
Monks Road, Lincoln, LN2 5HQ
Good Further Education 16-99
Lincoln UTC
Lindum Road, Lincoln, LN2 1PF
Good Academy 14-19
Manor Farm Academy
Tiber Road, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9ST
Good Academy 4-11
Mount Street Academy
Mount Street, Lincoln, LN1 3JG
Good Academy 3-7
Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy
Laughton Way, Lincoln, LN2 2HE
Good Academy 4-11
Sir Robert Pattinson Academy
Moor Lane, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9AF
Good Academy 11-18
Skellingthorpe the Holt Primary School
Swallow Avenue, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, LN6 5XJ
Good Primary 4-11
Springwell Alternative Academy Lincoln
Macaulay Drive, Lincoln, LN2 4EL
Good Academy 4-16
St Hugh’s Catholic Primary, A Voluntary Academy
Woodfield Avenue, Doddington Park, Lincoln, LN6 0SH
Good Academy 4-11
St Lawrence Church of England Primary School
Lower Church Road, Skellingthorpe, LINCOLN, LN6 5UZ
Good Primary 4-11
The Lancaster School
82 Jasmin Road, Birchwood, LINCOLN, LN6 0QQ
Good Primary 3-7
The Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Primary School
Kingsway, Lincoln, LN5 8EU
Good Primary 3-11
The Lincoln Manor Leas Infants School
Hykeham Road, Lincoln, LN6 8BE
Good Academy 4-7
The Lincoln Manor Leas Junior School
Hykeham Road, Lincoln, LN6 8BE
Good Academy 7-11
The Lincoln St Christopher’s School
Hykeham Road, Lincoln, LN6 8AR
Good Special 3-19
The Meadows Primary School
Calder Road, Lincoln, LN5 9BB
Good Primary 4-11
The North Hykeham All Saints Church of England Primary School
Ravensmoor Close, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9AB
Good Primary 4-11
The Pilgrim School
Carrington Drive, Lincoln, LN6 0DE
Good Special 4-16
The Priory Academy LSST
Cross O’Cliff Hill, Lincoln, LN5 8PW
Good Academy 11-18
The Priory Witham Academy
De Wint Avenue, Lincoln, LN6 7DT
Good Academy 2-18
The South Hykeham Community Primary School
Wath Lane, South Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9PG
Good Primary 4-11
The St Faith and St Martin Church of England Junior School, Lincoln
Hampton Street, Lincoln, LN1 1LW
Good Primary 7-11
The St Faith’s Church of England Infant and Nursery School, Lincoln
West Parade, Lincoln, LN1 1QS
Good Primary 3-7
The St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Thorpe on the Hill
School Lane, Thorpe-on-the-Hill, Lincoln, LN6 9BN
Good Primary 4-11
Waddington Redwood Primary Academy
Redwood Drive, Brant Road, Lincoln, LN5 9BN
Good Academy 5-11
Westgate Academy
Westgate, Lincoln, LN1 3BQ
Good Academy 7-11
Woodlands Infant and Nursery School
Whitethorn Grove, Birchwood, Lincoln, LN6 0PF
Good Primary 3-7
Coleby Church of England (Controlled) Primary School
Rectory Road, Coleby, Lincoln, LN5 0AJ
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Hartsholme Academy
Carrington Drive, Lincoln, LN6 0DE
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
Lincoln Monks Abbey Primary School
Monks Road, Lincoln, LN2 5PF
Requires improvement Primary 2-11
North Kesteven Academy
Moor Lane, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9AG
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School
Bristol Drive, Lincoln, LN6 7UE
Requires improvement Primary 3-11
St Peter and St Paul, Catholic Voluntary Academy
Western Avenue, Lincoln, LN6 7SX
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
The Lincoln St Peter-in-Eastgate Church of England (Controlled) Infants School
Greetwellgate, Lincoln, LN2 4AW
Requires improvement Primary 5-7
The Priory City of Lincoln Academy
Skellingthorpe Road, Lincoln, LN6 0EP
Requires improvement Academy 11-18
Lincoln Castle Academy
Riseholme Road, Lincoln, LN1 3SP
Inadequate Academy 11-18

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